Spread Some Positivity with 50 Ways To Say You’re Awesome by Alexandra Franzen

Recently I had the chance to listen to a talk by Drew Dudley, founder of Nuance Leadership Development Services Inc, and he was quite easily one of the most inspiring men I have ever met. The wealth of knowledge that came out of his speech was incredible but one of the key points that he returned to more than once was the importance of telling our loved ones that they are important to us.

50 ways to say you're awesome

Now, just in time for Christmas, author Alexandra Franzen has come up with a fun and creative way to do just that with her new book 50 Ways to Say You’re Awesome. This book has fifty colourful pages with messages of awesomeness on each one and a place to write a personal message on the back of each page. The best part is that the pages are perforated so that they can be removed and given to the people you care about!

With colourful graphics and messages that are uplifting and sometimes humorous, this book is the perfect way to celebrate the awesome people in your life. As a blogger, I have to admit that I found the “I Hang On Your Every Tweet” page to be pretty adorable and I can think of a few fellow bloggers I’d love to send it to. And so many of the pages had clever little plays on words that had me grinning, such as, “You’re More Than Magnificent. You’re Magnifidollar.”

And for those looking for a little inspiration on just how to use this book to spread a little awesomeness, Alexandra also includes a section containing 50 ways to use her book. The ideas range from slipping a note inside the pocket of a spouse to putting a page inside your own lunchbox as self-encouragement to passing a page to your server at the restaurant. The ideas were clever, inventive and had me wanting to run out the door and start spreading awesomeness everywhere!

50 ways awesome interior

This cute book would make a great Christmas gift for a loved one and is perfect to have on hand yourself as well just to help you show the people in your life how much they mean to you. No matter what you decide to do with it, 50 Ways To Say You’re Awesome is sure to add extra positivity to the day both for you and the people you love!

mommy kat and kids RP

6 thoughts on “Spread Some Positivity with 50 Ways To Say You’re Awesome by Alexandra Franzen”

  1. This sounds lovely! I love random acts of kindness and this book supports giving to others in a very creative way. It would make a wonderful Christmas present most definitely! I really like how you can easily remove pages too. Thank you so much for a wonderful review of such a happy product :)

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