All Kids Get to Play with the Igniting Fitness Possibilities Program at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

With childhood obesity on the rise and outdoor play declining, the importance of physical activity is something that’s been heavily emphasized in recent years. Parents are being made more and more aware of how crucial regular exercise is for their child’s overall health and well-being. And new programs are making it easy for kids to take part in all kinds of different sports and activities. But one of the benefits of physical activity that isn’t discussed nearly as often is the social aspect. And for a child that doesn’t feel confident about their abilities, the fear of being mocked or excluded by peers can be a huge barrier to taking part in any type of sport.

Holland Bloorview X National Bank from Jimmy Lee on Vimeo.

Luckily, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is changing that with the Igniting Fitness Possibilities program. Designed to bring together children of all skill levels, both with disabilities and without, the program helps make physical activity fun for everyone while encouraging social interaction and acceptance at the same time.

Recently, National Bank pledged $100,000 to the program to help ensure all children have a chance to play and develop skills in a fun and caring environment. And this touching video about the program and the difference it’s making to the participants proves exactly why that’s such a great investment. National Bank’s donation will help to bring the IFP program to more locations throughout the GTA, with selected recipients receiving up to $15,000 in funding. It’s a way of honouring the company’s commitment to support communities and organizations across Canada in the areas of health, education, arts and culture, and community well-being!

What I love about Igniting Fitness Possibilities is its inclusiveness. Not only do children get to try a variety of different sports, they also get the chance to invent their own games and have others join in. It’s such a simple and fun way of helping to boost a child’s confidence while helping him get active at the same time. And it gives everyone taking part the chance to be the centre of attention and let their own special skills shine!

ignite fitness possibilities

But one of the best things about the Igniting Fitness Possibilities program is that it’s actually being developed by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in part as a model for inclusive fitness instruction that can be used by other fitness and recreation providers in the community as well. I love the program’s commitment to making sure all kids get inspired to be more active and develop a love of exercise! Learn more about the program on the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital website and see how it lets kids shine as they move. You’re sure to be inspired by the amazing work that’s being done to help keep kids healthy!

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34 thoughts on “All Kids Get to Play with the Igniting Fitness Possibilities Program at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital”

  1. I have just been reading up on this program. This is so important for their physical and emotional well being. Kudos to them

  2. What a wonderful sounding program! When I was in school for the type of work I do, I did a placement at an elementary school working with physically and mentally handicapped children – play and activity was such a HUGE part of our treatments.. You truly do see a child shine that way

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