88 thoughts on “Fight Off a Kid’s Cold Fast with These 4 Tips for Fall Health-Giveaway #ONatural”

  1. other than lots of hand washing, there is not much that can be done!
    keep things clean and sanitized-teach your kids to cough into their elbows, and avoid other people who are sick.
    don’t share glasses, utensils, etc.
    take vitamin C, drink oj, and lots of water.

  2. My best back-to-school health tip is proper and frequent hand washing. I remind my daughter to keep her fingers out of her mouth. It’s hard when they are at that age when they have wiggly, loose teeth.

  3. My best back to school health tip is to remind the kids not to share drinks at school and things like combs and brushes.It’s nice to have good friends but these things can spread bugs and germs.

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