The Lexercise Screener Free Online Dyslexia Test

It can be incredibly hard to determine if your child has a learning disability, but an innovative new online tool is helping to take the guesswork out of diagnosing learning conditions such as dyslexia. I recently ran through the screener myself to see what I thought and I was pleasantly surprised by how thorough the testing process was.

lexercise screener in progressThe Lexercise Screener is a simple, two-part online test that takes about five to ten minutes to complete.

The first section displays nonsense syllables for your child to read. You, as a parent, simply have to click on whether your child’s answer sounded similar or different to the text displayed. The second section contains actual words for your child to read, which are always tailored to your child’s current age and grade so that they won’t be asked to read words they haven’t yet learned.

The two sections combined give a unique double perspective into your child’s current abilities. The score from the first section deals with your child’s ability to sound out words, and the score from the second section indicates the child’s reading level.

Because so many children, especially younger ones, have the ability to learn hundreds of words by site rather than by sounding out the letters, the combined methods provide a much more accurate indication of any potential trouble spots than a simple reading test.

The screener is quick and easy and best of all, it’s free! So if you’re concerned about your child’s school performance, why not take a moment to run through the Lexercise Screener? By the time you’re done, you’ll have a better idea of your child’s current ability levels so that you can move towards helping them excel at all their academic goals!

Learn More: To find out more about the Lexercise Screener or to take the test with your child, check out the website today

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