After I stopped nursing Benjamin, I noticed a bunch of changes in my body as my hormones returned to normal after six years of pregnancy and breastfeeding. My hair felt a little coarser. My skin seemed to get damaged easily. And, most annoyingly, I started to put on a bit of weight.
My weight isn’t usually something I worry too much about, but I weaned my son in the winter so I also wasn’t getting the physical activity that I usually did. The combination of circumstances led not just to some extra pounds but also to a loss of energy, intense late-night sugar cravings and an overall feeling of “blah.” I hoped that the nice weather would bring a change but even when spring arrive and I was getting out of the house more, I still wasn’t feeling like my usual self.
Fortunately, that’s when Webber Naturals got in touch with me about trying PGX, an all-natural supplement that helps stop food cravings, reduce appetite and provide a lasting feeling of fullness. It sounded like it might be just what I needed to get rid of my extra weight and get my energy back so I was excited to learn more. First, though, I had a phone consultation with Dr. Stephanie Rubino, a licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, to ensure that PGX was right for me.
I told Dr. Rubino a little about my extra weight, nighttime snacking and lack of energy and she told me about PGX and how it worked. I was relieved to find out that it was a natural high-fibre supplement derived from plant fibres. I also appreciated the advice about how to start taking it. As anyone that has eaten a lot of fibre all in a day knows, a sudden dramatic increase in your daily fibre can result in some less-than-comfortable side effects. Dr. Rubino recommended taking one pill for three to four days, then increasing to two, and continuing to increase in the same manner until I felt like the pills were working as they should.
When the PGX supplement arrived, I started with my first pill the next morning. One of the extra benefits of PGX is that since it’s designed to be taken three times daily before every meal, I had to immediately change my unhealthy habit of skipping breakfast in order to follow the system. The pills are designed to expand in the stomach to help me feel full faster, just as eating a high-fibre meal helps a person feel full while consuming fewer calories.
I gradually increased the number of pills I was taking before each meal over the next two weeks until I felt comfortable at four. The average person uses between three and six pills at each meal. After a month using PGX, I noticed a few changes that had me excited to keep going. First, I no longer craved sugary late-night snacks as I had in the past. One of my biggest challenges when I had started putting on weight was resisting the urge to binge on snack foods while I worked on my blog after my boys were in bed. But while using PGX, I honestly had no desire to eat at night.
I also noticed a big difference in my energy level. After the first few weeks, I wasn’t yawning my way through the afternoons anymore and when I headed out to play with my boys or to run errands, I was excited to get out and move instead of feeling dragged down. I was so happy to have my usual energy back again!
Of course, the reason most people use PGX is to assist with weight loss. I’ve been taking the supplements for just over six weeks now, with a few days skipped while I was on vacation. In that time, I’ve lost about seven pounds and I’m guessing it will only take another month or so to reach my normal weight. Other than getting more physical activity as my energy increased, I haven’t made any changes to my regular routine, so I couldn’t be happier with my results!
Webber Naturals, the maker of PGX, wants you to have a chance to try some of its amazing products for yourself, so the company is very generously offering one lucky Mommy Kat and Kids reader $50 in coupons good for any Webber Naturals products. Use them to try out PGX for yourself or use them for multivitamins and other supplements; it’s up to you!
Overall, I had a very good experience using PGX so far. I really like the fact that it doesn’t contain any stimulants or questionable ingredients and my results so far have been great. If you have some extra weight to lose and it’s causing you to feel tired and unmotivated, you may want to give PGX a try. It’s a great natural way to help you feel full, regulate your blood sugar and reduce your cravings so that you can lose weight and feel great!
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I learned PGX counteracts the effects of carbohydrate-heavy meals to control and balance blood sugar levels.
PGX is a highly concentrated and highly effective form of fibre.
I learned that it can lower your cholesterol – definitely a plus!
I learned that PGX, unlike many other weight loss products, does not contain any stimulants.
I learned it’s Stimulant Free
I learned that PGX slows digestion and provides a feeling of fullness.
I learned that PGX® Controls and Balances Blood Sugar Levels. As a person who has problems with blood sugar, I find this awesome. I have a friend who swears by PGX, but I didn’t know about this benefit.
I’ve been looking at these lately. A good chance to try them!
I learned it helps to balance your blood sugar
it helps with lowering your colesterol