I am a big believer in the importance of reading and math. Zackary and I used to spend lots of time playing with letters and numbers, talking about the ways they go together and building some of the early learning skills that would lead to reading, writing and mathematics proficiency in the future. Now, at three-years-old, Benjamin is reaching that same age when building some basic early learning skills will help him in the future.
Teach My is a Canadian-based company started by momtrepreneur Christy Cook that specializes in helping children build those important early-learning skills. I first learned about the original Teach My Toddler kits during a feature on my favourite show, Dragon’s Den, back in 2008. Since then, the company has expanded its line of early learning kits to include a Teach My Baby kit and a Teach My Preschooler kit as well as offering individual learning kits for reading, writing, numbers, letters and more.
I received the Teach My Preschooler All-in-One kit to review and Benjamin was so excited to check out all the different activity packs inside. The kit contained Ready to Read, Ready to Write, Numbers 1-100 and Ready for Math kits. We decided to check out the Ready to Read kit first, which contained sixty flash cards, ten readers, a reward tin and a flashcard holder. Going through the flashcards was an interesting experience; Benjamin knows most of his letters by sight so it was a great way to start working with him on the sounds letters make as well as on recognizing sight words.
The variety of materials in these kits is part of what makes them so appealing. From flashcards to books to posters to foam numbers, there is plenty to capture a child’s interest and appeal to children with different skills. Benjamin especially loved using the magnetic board in the Ready to Write kit to trace the letters of the alphabet and was soon requesting that I give him letters to spell certain words. It was so much fun to watch the way he worked so hard at tracing each letter before proudly announcing the word he’d made.
If you’d love to put your children on the road to early reading, writing and arithmetic, you’re in luck! Teach My is very generously offering one lucky Mommy Kat and Kids reader their choice of any one All-in-One kit, a $40 value! To enter to win, just leave a blog comment about which kit you would choose if you won.
Benjamin absolutely loves sitting down to play with his Teach My Preschooler All-in-One Kit and I am very impressed with how much he’s been learning in the few weeks that we’ve been using the kit. His writing especially is really progressing and he’s starting to get to the point of being able to draw certain letters without using the templates as a guide. Check out these clever interactive kits for yourself and get ready to have fun helping your child learn as he plays!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I would choose the Teach My Toddler kit.
The teach my Preschooler kit for sure.
Teach My Preschooler Learning Kit
I’d love the preschool kit
Teach my toddler kit :)
The preschool all in one kit. This would be great for my son!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Teach My Toddler Learning Kit Canada
i like the pre school one i have 2 neices who are going to be going to pre school
I would pick the Teach My Preschooler Learning Kit
i’d choose the Baby Learning Kit!