Streamline Your Household with New Rubbermaid All Access Organizers-Giveaway

I’ve been doing a lot of work lately organizing my home a little more and clearing out some of the clutter that’s accumulated over the years. Slowly our little century-old house is starting to look more streamlined and organized, but I was having a bit of trouble finding a good way to store the items that I wanted to keep.

Then Rubbermaid came to the rescue with its new All Access Organizers. These stackable bins come in three sizes and are perfect for all kinds of organizational needs. But the best part is that in addition to the standard removable top, the bins feature a clear front door so that seeing what’s inside and grabbing it is easy!

rubbermaid all access organizers

I received a set of four Rubbermaid All Access Organizers in the medium size to review. They were larger than I had expected and I spent some time deciding what exactly I wanted to do with them. I finally decided that they would be perfect for properly organizing the boys’ toy collection once and for all.

Benjamin’s favourite toys are all stuffed animals and he has amassed a pretty large collection of favourites. They generally cover his bed or lay strewn around his room but one All Access Organizer solved that problem! All the animals fitted into the bin perfectly and Benjamin could see his friends and access them easily through the clear door in the front.

Zackary, on the other hand, favours action figures. He has a variety of superheroes and villains that he uses to create long, thoroughly plotted battles and I spent over an hour sorting the superheroes out from amongst some of the cheaper and less-enjoyed toys in our house so that Zackary could have his superheroes all in one easy-to-access place. It was worth the work; he now keeps his toys neater and plays with them more as well.

I used the final bin for craft supplies and it was an absolute delight to have the boys’ paper, crayons, felt, craft foam, tape, glue and stickers in one place. Prior to receiving the bins, Benjamin and I had each had one of our dresser drawers filled with various supplies. Not only did we free up space for clothing in both rooms by moving supplies to one of the bins, but the portable nature of the storage container meant that I could easily carry it to whatever area of the house the boys were using to create their crafts!

all access organizers

If you’ve got items in need of organization, Rubbermaid is here for you too! The company is very generously offering one lucky Mommy Kat and Kids reader their own set of four medium All Access Organizers, a $70 value! To enter to win, just leave a blog comment about what you would store in your All Access Organizers!

I love the way that these organizers make storing essential household items so much more convenient. The bins are easy to move from place to place, hold lots of different types of products and, best of all, make seeing and accessing the contents incredibly easy. Check them out for yourself and get your household organized!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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221 thoughts on “Streamline Your Household with New Rubbermaid All Access Organizers-Giveaway”

  1. stacey dempsey

    My teenage daughters room is an ongoing battle lol I would love these for her room maybe it would help with the mess

  2. I would store my hair products in one, and my makeup products in the other. It would fit perfectly underneath my makeup counter!

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