Quick Tips for Safe Summer Travel from Michelin-Giveaway

It’s the season of road trips and that means that car safety is a top priority for Canadian families. Michelin has been helping families travel safely in all types of weather for over 120 years and this summer, the company has some handy travel tips for you to keep in mind when you’re planning your family’s next road trip!

5 road trip safety tips

1. Tread lightly!

Use the “Penny Test” to see if your tires are in need of replacing. Put the edge of the coin into the tread with the Queen going in head first. If the top of the Queen’s head is covered by tread, that’s good. If the top of her head is entirely visible, it’s time to replace the tire.

2. Have a professional give your car a summer check-up

Summer driving can often be hot and stressful. Getting your vehicle’s major systems before heading out for the long-weekends can help avoid unpleasant surprises on the road.

3. Spare tires go a long way

You never know when you might hit a bump on the road. Make sure your spare tire is properly inflated and easy to reach.

4. Don’t sleep and steer

Take regular breaks every couple of hours if you need them; stop regularly to stretch your legs. If possible, share the role of driver with someone new at the wheel every three hours.

5. Don’t forget to pack your safety supplies

Planning ahead goes a long way. Always make sure you have extra windshield wiper fluid, a map to help guide your way and road safety kit. Don’t forget extra batteries for the flashlight!

To help make getting ready for that road trip even easier, Michelin sent me a fabulous safety kit full of handy emergency supplies. From a simple first aid kit to candles and matches to a flashlight and fresh batteries, there were all kinds of safety essentials that would come in handy in case of an emergency.

I was especially excited to see that the kit had a set of booster cables. One of the things that I’ve noticed about having booster cables in the car is that they tend to be used to aid somebody else as often as they are used for our own benefit. In my opinion they are one of the most essential items in any car emergency kit and I was happy to have a set neatly tucked into this handy little case.

michelin car emergency kit

Michelin wants to help you travel safely this summer too, so the company is very generously offering one lucky Mommy Kat and Kids reader their own Michelin Car Emergency Kit, a $30 value! To enter to win, just leave a blog comment with one item that should be in a car safety kit.

No matter what type of adventure you have planned this summer, a little preparation can help ensure that you arrive safely at your destination. So take some time to plan out your trip and then get ready to make some memories with your loved ones this summer!
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137 thoughts on “Quick Tips for Safe Summer Travel from Michelin-Giveaway”

  1. water, non perishable food (things like canned beans and raviolli and granola bars, crackers, canned fruit), a can opener, flares, flash light, batteries, emergency blankets, in the winter you should always make sure to have proper winter clothes (even if you’re not wearing them at the time)…so mittens, toques, snow pants for the kids etc

  2. A battery operated cell phone charger. That way if your phone dies, you still can make calls, or let it charge for a little while. Also, everything everyone has said so far is also very good.

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