Saving Time Holiday Shopping with the Newly Redesigned #WalmartOnline

I do a lot of online shopping and so I’ve spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to get the best bang for my buck online. I started shopping at about six months ago and it didn’t take long before I was hooked. With easy online ordering, free shipping with no minimum purchase and the same everyday low prices as my local Walmart store, I could always count on getting a great deal at!

Now, the site I love has gotten even better with a recent new redesign that promises to provide a smooth shopping experience whether you’re on a tablet, a smartphone or a desktop computer. And to test out the new website, I had the chance to tackle an online shopping challenge at There are a lot of little gifts I buy each year for neighbours, teachers, babysitters and the people that work at the businesses in our small town. My go-to gift is a box of Christmas chocolates, so I decided to see if I could stock up at for less than $100. screenshot

As soon as I started searching the site, I knew I had made a good decision. There isn’t a huge variety of food products on the site just yet, but there are plenty of Christmas treats! I added Ferrero Rocher, Pot of Gold, Turtles, Toblerone and more to my cart and within fifteen minutes, I had everything I needed. Best of all, when I checked out, I had gifts for nine people, stocking stuffers for each of my boys and a tin of Premium Belgian Biscuits for me, all for just $90.63!

But I’d saved more than just money by shopping online. I’d saved myself the one-hour trip to and from the nearest Walmart and the time it would have taken to shop there during the busy holiday season. I’d saved gas money by not having to drive. And I’d saved the stress of looking for the items I wanted and maybe not being able to find them. Now that’s a dream shopping experience!

walmart cart

Since I saved so much time shopping for the gifts I needed, I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon playing a video game with my boys. It was so much nicer to race cars with my sons than it would have been to drag them through a crowded store!

I have shopped at for everything from fish food to toilet seats and the experience is always a great one. In fact, just days before being asked to complete this challenge, I bought a new futon during the website’s “Countdown to Black Friday” online event. The site is so easy to navigate, and the no-minimum free shipping makes it my first stop when I’m shopping online. If you haven’t taken a look at recently, you need to check it out. You’ll love how much time and money shopping online will save you!

mommy kat and kids RP

8 thoughts on “Saving Time Holiday Shopping with the Newly Redesigned #WalmartOnline”

  1. yes, if there IS free shipping I’m def gonna hve to check this out as they have a fridge on the web site (but none in the stores) and delivery for stuff like that from the city is well over $100 (and we only live 25 min away)

    1. Oh Bina, you HAVE to check this out then! I ordered a futon that came with free delivery and I’m the same distance outside of Regina. I was so excited to get something that big that included free shipping! Lol

  2. Very cool :) I am quite surprised that there is free shipping no matter WHAT the purchase amount is.. I am also surprised food items are included! While Walmart IS very close to my home – the convenience of online shopping there is right up my alley! What is the shipping time like?

    1. That free shipping no matter what is definitely the biggest draw for me too! Lol The shipping time varies a bit, I find, but I usually have whatever I ordered in under two weeks. Smaller seems to ship faster; I”ve ordered fish food, coffee and tampons on three separate occasions and had them within the week. Yeah, I’m a total online shopping addict. Lol

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