Celebrate #LoveYourPet Day by Ensuring Your Pet’s Health with Pets Plus Us

Pets are more than just a furry friend, they are an important member of the family. Our beloved Siamese-cross Racer has been a great addition to our household and we can’t wait to celebrate her presence in our family on February 20th with Love Your Pet Day and Pets Plus Us. Pets Plus Us is a new pet community and insurance provider. With Love Your Pet Day quickly approaching, the company is encouraging pet owners to consider what it means to really take care of your pet. After all, keeping our pets happy and healthy is part of showing our love for them.

Before adopting Racer, there were many things we needed to consider. The cost of caring for her was a huge concern. Food, treats, toys, beds? It all adds up. Take a peek at the chart below to get an idea of what to expect (and spend) in the first year of kittenhood.

kitten care infographic

Keep in mind that these are just a few of the anticipated expenses. Unfortunately, our pets aren’t invincible (although watching Racer leap from high shelves makes me think so), and occasionally we receive the unexpected vet bill. Pets Plus Us offers pet health insurance that could assist with these unplanned costs. Visit PetsPlusUs.com to learn more about how pet insurance works and see below for things to consider when selecting the right insurance plan:

  • Your pet’s species – Both cats and dogs need regular veterinarian care and can experience medical issues or accidents.
  • Your pet’s breed – There may be medical conditions associated with your pet’s breed. Knowing this can help you prepare for future medical needs.
  • Your financial resources – Your ability to proactively save and be diligent about keeping up aside funds for care related to illnesses and unexpected medical situations should be considered.
  • Your ability to pay for routine vet care – Consider the financial requirements to pay for the routine care your pet will need. As well, consider any previous medical issues your pet might have that may require ongoing care.

cat in suitcase

Adding a pet to your family is a big decision, but with proper planning, it brings so much joy to a household. Having Racer cuddled up on my lap on a cold night while I read or leaping around the house to the amusement of my boys is something I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. That’s why I’m so glad there are programs such as Pet Plus Us to help ensure that no matter what the future holds, I’ll be able to keep my four-legged member of our family safe and healthy. What a perfect way to celebrate Love Your Pet day!

mommy kat and kids rp2

44 thoughts on “Celebrate #LoveYourPet Day by Ensuring Your Pet’s Health with Pets Plus Us”

  1. I had no idea it cost so much. Especially for a cat. I’ve had a couple friends that adopted a puppies and I really don’t think they knew what they were getting into, expense wise. It was a constant complaint and most of it was based on food alone. They never dogs up, but did say they wish they had looked further into it, got pet insurance from the get go etc.

  2. We didn’t get pet insurance with our dog when we got her as a pup and boy how we wish we had as her first year was a very expensive year since she came with a multitude of health issues that the breeder had not warned us about as well as allergies, etc.

  3. We have two shelter cats, and even though we don’t spend money on special pet beds, dishes and such things and make rather than buy most toys etc, they still cost quite a bit for food, litter and routine medical care. They’re worth it, but do require us to spend a fair bit of money. Medical care during a major illness would be difficult to pay for.

  4. We have had our pets insured from the day we got them, and saved a tremendous amount as one of our Golden Retrievers lived to 16 1/2

  5. I have 3 cats and a dog and can’t imagine life without them. Unfortunately I don’t have the budget to add insurance for all.

  6. Wow I need to change to one of their vets, mine are a fair bit more but we dropped our pet insurance after they refused payment on pretty much everything, it works out better for us to just put some money aside each week for them

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