This post was sponsored by The 7th Chamber. Opinions expressed belong to Mommy Kat and Kids and are not influenced in any way.
There’s not many things more destructive to a good night’s rest than sleeping with somebody that snores. In fact, it can drive a partner to take pretty extreme measures to get some sleep! Separate rooms, earplugs….in RANA’s comical little commercial, one woman even builds her own device to help shake her husband awake while she sleeps elsewhere!
But as bad as it can be sleeping beside somebody with chronic snoring, it’s even worse for the person doing the snoring…not to mention more dangerous. In fact, when sleep apnea is left untreated, it can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure or diabetes! So how do you know if you or your partner has sleep apnea? RANA has made it easy to get started with a free snoring consultation!
Just fill in the form with your basic information or call the toll-free number. Experts will analyze the snoring and let you know about potential solutions and treatments that could help everybody get some must-needed rest. Considering the danger untreated sleep apnea poses, it just makes sense to take advantage of this offer!
My ex-husband started snoring pretty badly a few years into our relationship, so I know firsthand how incredibly disruptive to sleep the problem is. And considering the snoring started after gaining quite a bit of weight, one of the causes of sleep apnea, I’m pretty sure he could have used a snoring consultation!
Risk factors include a BMI of over 35, a neck circumference of more than 40 cm, high blood pressure and an age of over 50, to name a few. And when the first step to treatment is absolutely free, the best time to deal with sleep-disturbing snoring is now! Request a snoring consultation for yourself or your partner and take the first step to better health. This is a limited time offer, so don’t miss out. Most people don’t even realize how much better life can be until they get that first good night’s sleep!
I don’t have this problem.
I actually find my partners snoring kind of cute. It usually wakes her up though!
my snoring drives me crazy. lol
Yep, mine snores loudly. So annoying!
I am one of the unlucky ones…and old single bachelor
My husband is so loud, he can wake the whole house. It’s nice there are solutions out there.
Thanks, I do have issues with my hubby snoring :(
I absolutely cannot sleep is someone is snoring… it doesn’t help that I have insomnia. Luckily, the loudest snorer in the house (my dad) is down the hall.
I cannot sleep if someone is snoring.. my husband gets elbows all night from me to stop snoring!
The only person who shares my bed right now is my 7 year old.. and his snoring is still cute! (I’m pretty lucky in that regard!) LOL