Disclosure: I am part of the Orange Naturals Mom Ambassador Program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
To say that I’m antsy for spring this year is a pretty big understatement. My family moved into our beautiful new custom-built dream home on October 27 and while we’ve enjoyed every minute, we can’t wait to start landscaping and enjoying the six acres of land around our house.
So far, we’ve made plans to build our deck, seed our lawn and plant border trees along the perimeter of our property. I also bought bulbs for a cutting garden and I’m hoping to get the chance to plant strawberries and raspberries as well.
Needless to say, we’re going to be spending a lot of time outdoors when the weather warms up.
And that means that I’m going to need to be ready to deal with the one and only thing that I don’t like about spring…the allergies that I get! While they’re mostly mild, I’ll sometimes react so strongly that sneezing keeps me from doing anything else!
I keep allergy medication close at hand for the especially bad reactions but, when I can, I prefer trying methods for natural allergy relief.
Wondering how I do it? These are the natural techniques I find most effective when sneezing, stuffiness and itchy eyes strike:
Washing Off
It may not help right at the moment of an allergic reaction, but I’ve noticed when I shower as soon as I come in from the outdoors, I have less stuffiness for the rest of the day. Sometimes dealing with allergy symptoms is as simple as washing away the allergen!
Taking Daily Probiotics
Some studies have shown that people who take daily probiotics have lighter seasonal allergy symptoms than those that don’t. I take Orange Naturals Probiotics for Adults already, both for my own digestive health and because my baby gets trace probiotics when breastfeeding. The fact that the capsules can help minimize my allergies is an added bonus!
Clearing the Sinuses
Just as washing off the body can help minimize my symptoms, washing out my sinuses can help as well! I already keep a gentle saline spray handy for when my baby’s nose is stuffy. Using it myself when allergies strike just makes sense.
Treating Symptoms with Orange Naturals Seasonal Allergies
When my symptoms are starting to get the best of me, I turn to Orange Naturals Seasonal Allergies homeopathic formula. This natural allergy relief blend of ingredients helps reduce congestion, relieve itchy eyes and ease breathing. And there’s no drowsiness when using it!
With a little care and preparation, I’m sure that I’ll be enjoying every second of my time outdoors getting our yard ready for summer entertainment.
And after the winter we’ve had, I’ll need all the summer entertainment I can pack in!
My sister suffers from allergies
My husband suffers.
Yes pretty much everyone suffers from seasonal allergies depending on the season. :P
Yes pretty much everyone suffers from seasonal allergies depending on the season.
I get a bit stuffy once things start sprouting in the spring. I’ve never been sure what I’m reacting to, exactly.
I’ve suffered with seasonal allergies since I was a wee little girl.. so badly that I had to go to the dr’s weekly for allergy shots every week… NOT Fun!
My husband and I both have seasonal allergies.
My whole family suffers from seasonal allergies.
I suffer from seasonal allergies
Half our family is affected by seasonal allergies.