The best toys for babies and toddlers help them to learn about their world and develop new skills as they entertain.
Finding toys that help little ones develop physically and mentally as they play is a great way to ensure your child is meeting milestones.
One such toy is a Pikler triangle. Read on to learn how Pikler triangles work, and about the many Pikler triangle benefits for kids.
What Is A Pikler Triangle?
The Pikler triangle actually has a unique story behind its development. After World War II, many children were left without parents, and put into group orphanages.
These orphanages needed to take care of children of all ages, and find ways to ensure they developed and learned new skills, which was a problem back then.
One such facility, Loczy orphanage, was run by Emmi Pikler from 1946 to 1979.
She believed that children must have the freedom of movement and a chance to safely explore to learn how the world works. Her observations and work at the Loczy orphanage led her to invent the Pikler triangle.
A Pikler triangle is a simple, triangular-shaped indoor climbing frame for kids (mainly toddlers).
The design offers multiple benefits: the fixed-shape climbing triangle has the ideal proportions for young children to pull themselves up. It keeps toddlers engaged and curious while teaching them how to climb safely.
The Pikler triangle’s structure teaches children how to move their bodies in a different way. It can be used almost from birth and enjoyed by children up to the age of four or five.
Age Of Kids To Play With a Pikler Triangle
A Pikler triangle is ideally suited to children from age six months to five years. The age depends on the way your kid develops, since, as we all know, children are different.
Children as young as six months may be able to start using a climbing triangle once they start moving more.
A child that’s an early crawler or one that’s learning to roll can use the bottom rungs of the triangle to pull themselves around or help pull themselves over.
Children from 6 to 12 months are generally learning how to stand, and may have an easier time by using a Pikler triangle to pull themselves up.
But, the main age group that really benefits from the triangle is kids between one to five years.
Kids are natural climbers, and may even start climbing before they can walk. Pikler triangles are a perfect toy for these kids to safely learn how to climb and how their bodies move as they do.
Benefits Of Pikler Triangles
The main aim of Pikler triangles is to teach toddlers and growing kids how to move.
They help little ones understand how to pull up and stand, and then they assist with learning how to stand and walk, climb, balance their bodies, and more.
Kids get an understanding of their own power and abilities, what they can and can’t do with their bodies, and how to properly control their movement.
They also start to better understand balance, coordination, and consequences, the latter occurring as they learn how to catch themselves to prevent falling.
All of these physical and mental abilities contribute to enhanced confidence and, thus, a better ability to explore the world and surroundings.
Overall, the Pikler triangle benefits can be summed up as:
- Help improve the awareness of the surroundings.
- Improve gross motor development
- Receive vestibular stimulation (for learning about balance, how not to fall, etc.).
- Improve the strength of limbs.
- Optimize proprioceptive learning (the ability to understand own physical strength and capabilities).
- Help experience the world in an open-play style.
A Pikler triangle is a fun and useful toy that has many ways of being used by a child.
Consider adding one to your home and helping your child learn what their body can and can’t do, and develop gross motor skills they’ll use for a lifetime.