Earth-Fest 2010-Giveaway #2
Having a child is like going on the big roller coaster at the amusement park. Until you’ve actually taken the ride, you can’t begin to imagine what it’s like. The entire process of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period is unquestionably the most intense, emotional and unexpected time a woman can imagine.
But along with the wonders of the experience are the many discomforts that mothers-to-be, new mothers and new babies are often subjected to. Like many women, I shy away from any harsh and unnatural treatments of common ailments out of a desire to ensure that my child’s exposure to any harmful chemicals is as limited as possible. Finding safe, natural and effective alternatives, however, can often be difficult.
Earth Mama Angel Baby’s pregnancy, childbirth and baby products were created for mothers like me, mothers that want the best for themselves, their babies and their environment. The Earth Mama Angel Baby line includes high-quality skin care products, natural organic wellness teas and labor aides. All of the fabulous items are available both individually and in beautiful gift kits perfect for baby showers or newborn presents. I was so happy to be given the chance to test three of the fantastic Earth Mama Angel Baby Products, the Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash, the Angel Baby Bottom Balm and the Milkmaid Tea.
The Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash is a certified organic real castile soap with extracts of calendula. It comes in an ingenious self-foaming bottle that I absolutely love. When I press the pump, out comes just the right amount of sweetly scented white foam. Benjamin is not fond of baths, so I loved how quickly and easily I was able to dispense the soap into my hand. Because it was in such a light and airy state, I was able to wash his hair and body in a flash.
I noticed on the label that the soap is not a tearless formula, so I made sure to keep it well away from Benjamin’s eyes. A quick rinse and my darling was fresh and clean. I love the light orange aroma of this soap. It leaves a nice mild hint of scent on Benjamin’s skin once he’s out of the bath and smells so fresh and energizing. Because it has no emulsifiers, preservatives or toxins, it is incredibly mild. Benjamin has quite heavy cradle cap, and I noticed that after using the Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash, his cradle cap seemed to brush off of his scalp much more easily than it had in the past. I loved this sweet and gentle soap for myself as well, and often used it instead of my usual hand soap because it left my hands so soft.
The Angel Baby Bottom Balm was the next product that I tested. The balm is a sensational blend of olive oil, shea butter, organic herbs and essential oils designed to help heal and prevent diaper rash. Since Benjamin has had rash flare-ups that were severe enough to cause some bleeding, I was especially excited to try this balm. The smell is fantastic and refreshing with the distinctive aroma of tea tree oil providing one of the prominent scents. The balm is solid, but still soft enough that it is easy to scoop out of the tub. I applied a small amount to the raw, red places on Benjamin’s bottom in the morning and evening the first day I used it. By the next morning, his rash was gone and his skin had only the slightest hint of redness remaining. Another day of balm and there was no sign that he had ever had a rash.
The Angel Baby Bottom Balm had worked wonders on Benjamin’s diaper rash, but its uses didn’t stop there. The container stated that the balm could also be used for the whole family’s minor skin issues. Fortunately, with an energetic three-year-old in the house I had plenty of opportunities to test that claim.
This balm is absolutely fabulous for any skin issues. The first time I slicked it over a cut on Zackary’s finger, I knew that I was in love. Angel Baby Bottom Balm is the perfect soothing treatment for cuts, scrapes, rashes and burns. When it is first applied it immediately lessens the pain of the injury, and because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties it really helps to speed up the healing process. I have even found it to be a great treatment for bad breakouts. I’ve fought with my acne-prone skin for years, but a tiny dab on any pimples that pop out has worked wonders for clearing up my skin. Angel Baby Bottom Balm is unquestionably a new staple of my household.
The final product that I was given to review was Milkmaid Tea, one of the many delicious wellness teas that Earth Mama Angel Baby offers. This delicious tea is a blend of organic herbs that are traditionally used to help support healthy breast milk production. I don’t have any shortage of milk, but I did want to make sure that the milk I was producing was as nourishing as possible and this tea sounded like a great way to do that.
I loved the light licorice flavor that the anise seed gave to the tea, which made it both refreshing enough for a morning drink and relaxing enough to have right before bed. My milk definitely did seem to be more nourishing as well, because I noticed that after I had enjoyed Milkmaid Tea, my fairly gassy little darling seemed less colicy than normal. As an added bonus, the recycled paper box is produced with wind energy, the tea bags are biodegradable and the amazing faux-plastic tea overwrap is fully compostable!
I absolutely adore all of the Earth Mama Angel Baby products that I received. Since these items are so fantastic, I know that the rest of the Earth Mama Angel Baby product line will be just as wonderful and effective. In fact, after seeing how well the tea worked, I have already been recommending the No More Milk Tea to some mothers I know that will soon be weaning their babies.
The fact that all of the Earth Mama Angel Baby products are organic, eco-friendly and free from any harmful compounds makes them even more appealing. I only wish that I had known about this company while I was pregnant! Any mother or mother-to-be looking for the best natural products should definitely give Earth Mama Angel Baby a try.
Buy It: To purchase any of the wonderful Earth Mama Angel Baby products, shop online now
Win It: Three lucky readers are going to win one of the three fabulous Earth Mama Angel Baby products featured in my review! The first-drawn winner will receive first choice of the three items, etc.
To Enter (mandatory): Visit Earth Mama Angel Baby and tell me about something you liked or something you learned there
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Giveaway ends 11:59 pm CST on May 15, 2010. Open to US and Canada
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free of charge from the manufacturer or PR firm for the purposes of this review. Opinions expressed belong to Mommy Kat and Kids and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view full Terms of Use and Policies
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