Nominate a Mom You Know for the Second Annual Walmart Mom of the Year Awards

Moms are amazing in so many ways, but there are some moms that go above and beyond to an extraordinary degree. Whether they balance a busy career as they are raising a thriving family or they devote countless hours to important causes while still caring for loved ones, there are hundreds of different ways a mom can stand out and become extraordinary.

Walmart Canada created the Mom of the Year Awards to honour those outstanding mothers in our lives and right now nominations are being accepted for the Second Annual Mom of the Year Awards. What I love so much about these awards is that they don’t just recognize the exceptional women in our lives; they also give those women the chance to recognize the causes they’re passionate about too. The Mom of the Year winner this year will receive $10,000 for herself and $100,000 to donate to her favourite charity!

mom of the year walmart

To nominate a mother you know for the Mom of the Year Awards, just visit and tell the country what makes the woman you chose such a wonderful mom. There have been over 21,000 nominations already, which is pretty incredible on its own and makes me proud to be a citizen of a country that’s so dedicated to recognizing the strong women in our lives.

The nominations close on June 16, 2013 so don’t wait too long! And after you’ve submitted your own nomination, read about some of the other mothers in Canada and the amazing things that they are doing to improve our communities and our country.

I am always so inspired reading about other Canadian mothers and the fact that Walmart created the Mom of the Year Awards just gives me one more reason to support a company that I already love. Check out the website to learn more about the awards and submit your own nomination for Mom of the Year today!

mommy kat and kids rp2

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