People from all income levels are feeling the pinch of a sluggish economy. The cost of goods and cost of living keep rising, but wages do not keep up with costs. The purchasing power of the dollar continues to decrease. Ten years ago it was possible to fill a cart with groceries for $50. Today, that is impossible. It’s no wonder more and more people are turning to coupons to help them get discounts and lower their bills. According to a recent study, savvy consumers had saved almost $2 billion by mid-2011 simply by using coupons.
Obviously, the popularity of clipping coupons has spread far beyond frugal housewives shopping for weekly grocery specials. Before the Internet and smart phones were invented, you had to wait for the Sunday paper in order to clip coupons from the fliers that came with the paper. It is far easier today to find the coupon you need online or with a mobile app in order to get a discount not only on groceries, but everything from clothing to electronics.
Shoppers from all walks of life are finding that coupons and special discount deals save them a bundle of money. Saving $5.00 on a purchase is the same as the clerk handing you back an extra five dollars in change. Who wouldn’t like that? Well, it is clear that millions of people like that very much.
There’s no need to wait for the Sunday paper anymore. You can find a coupon or a deal for just about anything online. A good example of an Internet money saving website is
This site offers coupons on popular products that you can print out at home, but you can also find coupon codes that will save you money. In fact, the next time you are close to completing an online purchase, and you see a box that asks for a special coupon code, go to Don’t Pay Full to see if that coupon code is available. It’s that easy. You can save a bundle of money on this site. In addition to coupons, coupon codes and special discount deals, you can get free shipping coupons.
There’s also a forum on the site that consumers use to talk about their shopping experience, to share news about special deals they have heard about and to simply compare notes about prior purchases. It is a terrific site for one-stop shopping and saving. The forum is also a great resource for general money-saving and income-producing ideas. The site’s users generously share their experiences and tips not only for additional ways to save money, but different ways to earn a little extra cash to help with the household budget.
I have never heard of DontPayFull and I love that they also have a forum for additional tips, suggestings and reviews.
I don’t think I have ever used an online coupon. Thanks for the ideas.
I’ve been using online coupons for a while but had not heard of that site. Thanks for the link.
awesome, I’ll have to check out thank you!
I follow a few different coupon sites to try and make the most of my money. I really enjoy couponing, who would not want to save money? Thanks for the site link I will definitely be checking it out!
Thank you very much for giving us so much information on how and where to get coupons and deals on our purchases. I did not really know where to go or where the best bargains are.
Thanks for the head sup on this new coupon site!
Looks like the coupons for the whole world not only for Canada.
thanks for the info about don’t pay full. I would love to have a coupon code to stick into those online purchases.
It’s great that more and more stores are now willing to accept printed coupons