Tasy Fried Food Without All the Oil with the Philips Airfryer #AirfryerIt

I love to cook, and I use almost any different cooking technique I can when I’m in the mood to get creative in the kitchen. It was about five years ago that I bought a deep fryer for the first time and I have to admit, as somebody that eats a fairly healthy diet, I was surprised by how quickly it because an essential in our household.

I used heart-healthy coconut oil to ensure that the food I created was as healthy as possible, but I’m still always open to finding a better way to get the distinctive fried flavour I love without all the fat. Right now I save deep fried dishes for an occasional special treat, but if I can make that tasty country-fried chicken or poutine a little more often, I’d be all for that!

philips airfryer

That’s why the Philips Airfryer sounded like a dream come true. This device is powered by Rapid Air Technology, which uses fast circulating hot air and a patented Starfish grilling element to allow you to fry a variety of foods without any oil or as little as ½ tbsp. of oil for great fried flavour with way less fat! I received the Airfryer to review recently and after reading through the Q&A on the device, I can’t wait to give it a try:

What is the best way to prepare crispy snacks such as croquettes and chicken nuggets in the Airfryer?

For the best results, we advise you to buy oven-ready varieties as these have been pre-fried and contain some oil. The Airfryer uses the oil already contained in oven-ready snacks to fry the snacks until they are golden brown and crispy.

You can also fry deep-fry snacks in the Airfryer until they are just as crispy as the oven-ready varieties if you roll them through some oil first.

What kind of baking tin can I use in the Airfryer?

You can use any oven-proof dish or mold in the Airfryer, whether it is made of glass, ceramic, metal or silicone. Stores that sell cookware usually have an Airfryer-suitable mold available. The baking tin should still leave some space on either side when you place it in the basket to ensure the airflow can pass around it.

How much food can I prepare in the Airfryer?

The basket of the Airfryer can be filled up to the ‘max’ indication in the basket. The maximum quantity of ingredients that can be prepared depends on the kind of food you want to prepare.

What’s the best way to clean my Airfryer?

  • Fill the Airfryer pan with hot water then add some dishwashing liquid.
  • Let the pan with the basket inside soak for 10 minutes.
  • Clean the black basket walls with a non-abrasive sponge or brush.
  • Scrub the basket bottom with a brush or a scouring pad.
  • Make sure you do not touch the black basket walls with a scouring pad, as this may damage the non-stick coating.

Over the next month, I’ll be testing the appliance to see if it still provides the same delicious fried flavour even with such a drastically reduced amount of oil. Keep your eye out for a blog post about my experience in early May along with a delicious recipe idea too!

My head has been spinning with ideas of foods I can cook up in my new Philips Airfryer. I’d love to see how homemade onion rings turn out, and with fishing season coming up in mid-May here in Saskatchewan, I have a feeling I’ll be trying my hand at frying up a little fresh fish as well! Check back soon to see how the Airfryer worked for me and what type of tasty and healthier deep-fried delicacies I was able to create!

mommy kat and kids RP

75 thoughts on “Tasy Fried Food Without All the Oil with the Philips Airfryer #AirfryerIt”

  1. I would really like to have this fryer. My family loves fried foods and I could feel better about feeding them foods cooked in this.

  2. I don’t know about this, I’m still a bit skeptical, I love my deep fryer and am not ready to part with it yet.

  3. Shannon Gnocato

    Wow! This sounds awesome. Would definitely love to try one of these. I hate frying anything in my house.

  4. Ooooh I need this! I lvoe fried foods but can’t enjoy them all the time cos of the grease. I would seriously have french fries every day with this!

  5. I’ve never heard of this before, but reading the comments I’m going to check it out. It sounds great.

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