Father’s Day Memories of Learning to Drive with Dad and Ford Canada-Giveaway

Growing up in small-town Saskatchewan, one of my earliest memories was driving down gravel roads in my dad’s old Ford truck. He had an acreage on the edge of the Qu’Appelle valley and there were times we’d go driving on roads that were little more than tracks in the grass. On the top of the valley, Dad used to occasionally let me, the oldest child, sit and steer the truck across his property. I started out sitting in his lap and then, as I got older, was eventually allowed to drive on the acreage roads myself, with Dad beside me keeping a watchful eye on me!

boy driving
Just like me, Zackary has always loved being behind the wheel!

For many children in Saskatchewan, those times spent out with our fathers were our first driving lessons, often started a decade before we would be eligible to actually take driving lessons and get that coveted Learner’s License. Any child whose parents owned a farm or acreage had so much open private property that it just made sense to take advantage of it. And those bonding moments with my dad driving around in that old Ford truck remain some of my favourite memories of time spent with him to this day.

Now Father’s Day is just days away and I can’t help but find myself reminiscing about those times spent driving with my dad. And Ford Canada knows that I’m not the only one! That’s why the company has put together a fabulous Father’s Day giveaway. One lucky Mommy Kat and Kids reader is going to win a Ford Genuine Parts Bar Stool with Back Rest, a Ford ball cap and a Ford Genuine Parts Pint Glass Set containing a 5 qt. Metal Bucket, four Pint Glasses, 12 Coasters and a Bar Towel, a total value of $250! To enter to win, just leave a blog comment about a favourite memory of spending time with your dad!

ford father's day prize pack

This Father’s Day, I’ll be heading out to my dad’s acreage with my brother and sister and all our kids to surprise our dad and enjoy a little time together. We’ll enjoy the warm Saskatchewan spring, cook up some burgers on the barbeque and let the kids run around and spend time with their grandpa. And chances are pretty good that Zackary and his cousin Anna, at eight and seven, will get the chance to drive with Grandpa in the truck just like we all did as kids. It’s one of those traditions that I hope will continue for generations to come, because I know it’s one that creates memories that last forever!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

183 thoughts on “Father’s Day Memories of Learning to Drive with Dad and Ford Canada-Giveaway”

  1. He died when I was a teenager still, but I do remember him kissing me good-bye each morning after he’d dressed to go to work in his police uniform.

  2. Growing up, I didn’t see much of my dad. My Grandpa (moms dad) did everything with me that I dad was suppose to do. I started getting closer to my dad when I was around 16 years old. My dad passed away about 5 years ago and my Grandpa passed away about 2 years ago. My Grandpa taught me how to ride my bike, to skate, ans he played sports with me. But my most memorable memory is that every summer him, my Grandma and me would go strawberry picking together. I looked forward to doing that every year. When I was 19, my dad took me back to his home town for a cousins wedding and meet the family. I will never forget that. He took me all around town telling me stories of his childhood (if you knew my dad, that was something he wouldn’t do, so my mom and I were shocked lol)

  3. stacey dempsey

    I would have to say summer vacations at the cottage . My mom and my sisters and I would spend weeks or more at the lake but my dad because of work would pop in and out but when he came and took me fishing we would be out for hours. My sisters didnt like to fish so it was usually just the 2 of us so it was great to have that time with him that was just mine

  4. my favorite memories are when we were kids and he took us fishing,,, that and sitting on his knee as he drove,,, so many memories,,,

  5. Terri O'Donnell

    My favorite memory with Dad is getting up in the morning and going on his ATV for the day (hunting or fishing, depending on the season) and now my son is fortunate to do the same thing with my Dad :)

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