Sooth Swollen Muscles with New Deep Relief Ice Cold Spray

Hunching over a computer all day means that I often deal with neck pain, stiff shoulders and strained muscles. And for quite some time I’ve been using Deep Relief Heat Spray to help relax the muscles and relieve the pain. But there are times when heat therapy isn’t the best choice for pain relief, and that’s why I was curious about the new Deep Relief Ice Cold Spray.

This latest product from Deep Relief offers an icy-cold cooling sensation in a convenient spray bottle to help relieve aches and pains. Cold therapy is especially good for swollen and inflamed muscles since the cooling action reduces blood flow to help relieve swelling, and also numbs the area to help relieve pain.

deep relief ice cold spray

Exercising and minor sprains are some of the more common causes of muscle inflammation and while I haven’t had any pain issues as a result of exercising, I did recently sprain my finger while playing football with my family. It had been quite swollen and painful so I decided to see if the Deep Relief Ice Cold Spray would help relieve the pain.

The spray bottle is such a convenient method for application since it’s quick and mess-free with a great minty scent. After applying the spray, I noticed a cooling effect almost instantly that became stronger over the next minute or so. Within about five minutes, my finger was hurting less but what was especially exciting to me was that the swelling had gone down as well. The Deep Relief Ice Cold Spray gave me all the benefits of an ice pack without the inconvenience of having to hold it in place!

deep relief prize pack

Both heat and cold therapy are useful for different types of body pain and having both on hand just makes sense so that I’m always ready to effectively treat minor injuries. Deep Relief products continue to impress me with their effectiveness and ease of use, whether I need soothing heat or numbing cold for my aches and pains. Check out the line of products and find the best ones for treating your pain!

mommy kat and kids RP

151 thoughts on “Sooth Swollen Muscles with New Deep Relief Ice Cold Spray”

  1. this would be great!! been such a busy summer working at all the local fairs. we setup and tear down. and lifting kids on to the ponies all day…my back gets pretty sore.

  2. I am entering your giveaway.
    I would love to win this Deep Relief prize pack
    because sometimes i have neck and shoulder pains and i’ve heard great things about these products.
    Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!

  3. I would love to win this because I have arthritis, and a shoulder that never stops hurting. I also have a daughter that is a gymnast -ie she is always hurt ;)

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