Ever After High’s 5 Tips to Help Teach Children About Second Chances-Giveaway #PlayAdvocate

When my oldest son was in Grade One, there was a little boy named Timmy that was a bit of a bully to him. Timmy had been going to classes with Zackary since they were both in preschool, and I’d seen the boy’s rude behaviour for myself when helping out in the class. It was hard knowing what advice to give my son about Timmy, but I did tell him that Timmy likely just hadn’t learned proper manners yet, and that Zackary should pity him rather than be angry with him.

As it happened, Timmy did just need some experience in social situations. As the youngest in his family, he had clearly been spoiled. But a few years of following rules and learning about fairness at school made a world of difference. Now, Timmy is a pleasant and popular boy that gets along with everyone at school and is one of Zackary’s good friends. Thank goodness everyone was willing to give him a second chance! If your child is dealing with a difficult friend or classmate, Ever After High has five tips to help you teach your child about the importance of second chances.

girls decorating cascades my pretty playhouse

Lead by Example

There will be times as a parent where the right thing to do is offer your little one a second chance. Forgetting to take out the trash, complete a small homework assignment or return home in time for dinner are all small mistakes a child will make. Instead of serving a punishment right away, try offering a second chance. This way your little one can see firsthand the benefits of being given a second chance and what it’s an important thing to do with others.

Things Aren’t Always as They Appear

In Way Too Wonderland, the girls at Ever After High had to learn to embrace Courtly Jester, who has an aggressive exterior, but a very insecure interior which the other girls learn to have compassion for. Just like Courtly, sometimes other children act out because they are insecure or have something upsetting or stressful happening in their lives. Rather than jumping to conclusions about someone, encourage your child to consider what else might be happening in the other person’s life. Encourage them to be tolerant, offer a second chance and maybe even check-in with the other person to see what might be happening in their life that is causing them to act out of character.

Encourage Compassion

The golden rule states that we should all treat others how we would like to be treated ourselves.
Encourage your child to think about giving second chances through this lens just like the girls in Way Too Wonderland did who realized that if they were Courtly, they too would want a chance to make things right. Teaching your child this kind of compassion is an important lifelong skill.

Ban Name Calling

Often for little ones, giving a second chance to someone doesn’t involve any wrong doing. In certain circumstances it can be that a friend or classmate has done something embarrassing in front of others. Tell your child that jumping on the bandwagon and making fun of another child in that position is not acceptable. Remind them how they would feel if the shoe was on the other foot.

Praise Kindness

If your child offers someone a second chance, give them praise. Acknowledge to them directly that giving a second chance is hard and that you’re very proud of them for doing the right thing. In future, they will be motivated to do the right thing as they have received positive reinforcement for the same actions previously.

ever after high prize pack

To help your child learn a great lesson about second chances in a very fun way, Ever After High has put together a very special giveaway! Two lucky Mommy Kat and Kids readers are going to win a Way Too Wonderland Doll doll and New York Times Best Selling author Suzanne Selfor’s A Semi-Charming Kind of Life Ever After High novel, a $46 value! To enter to win, just leave a blog comment about which of these five tips you think would most help your child learn about giving second chances!

I’ve always loved the way that Ever After High helps to teach valuable life lessons through the adventures of its characters, and Courtly’s experience is one of the many examples of that. Let your little girl check out the show and dolls for herself and see how the characters from Ever After High can help her learn and grow!

Ever After Way Too Wonderland giveaway

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74 thoughts on “Ever After High’s 5 Tips to Help Teach Children About Second Chances-Giveaway #PlayAdvocate”

  1. They are all great rules but I think encouraging compassion is the main one cause if you have that the rest will fall into place. :)

  2. I think lead by example is a huge one! Our kids learns from us, from what we do and what we day. If we show them what compassion looks like/sounds like I think they would be more likely to follow suit.

  3. We really practice everything on the list, except the one we need to do better on is Lead by Example – we are often too quick to get angry for mistakes, and need to give more second chances. Our kids are generally good, so when they make mistakes we need to be a little more tolerant. I admit I often feel like I expect perfection, and that is obviously not possible so I need to let some things go! And use them as learning experiences!

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