Let Kids Get Creative When You Say #YesToTheMess with Help From Swiffer #PGMom

mommy kat and kids RP

If there’s one universal truth I’ve discovered as a mother of boys, it’s that life with boys is messy! From dirt on the floor to pee on the toilet seat, I’ve pretty much resigned myself to dealing with random messes for the rest of my life. But while some messes are just flat-out gross, others are a lot more tolerable. Cleaning up the spilled chocolate from a kitchen baking session or scraps of paper and foam from a marathon crafting spree is worth the effort considering how much fun my boys have making those messes!

boys making gak

Luckily, cleaning up after my boys has become a lot easier since I discovered Swiffer products! From the handy Swiffer Sweeper for floors to the Swiffer 360 Duster for tables, shelves and more, I can say yes to the mess with Swiffer in my corner. Letting my boys make a mess has led to some pretty amazing creations, including large, colourful paintings and delicious kitchen creations. And since I, like 70% of other Canadian parents, believe that making a mess encourages creativity, I appreciate anything that helps me clean up those messes quickly and thoroughly!

family handprint fall art canvas craft

Personally, I think that the favourite messy project my boys have ever made was our family hand-print artwork. When it came to making a mess, this was in a class of its own! Coating our hands and arms in acrylic paint, pressing them down on a canvas and then using other colours of paint and our fingerprints to decorate meant lots and lots of cleanup. And as hard as we tried, a few splatters ended up on the floor. The Swiffer WetJet made quick work of the mess, though, and the end results were well worth it!

Want your own chance to say yes to the mess? Swiffer is here to help with a fantastic prize pack! One lucky Mommy Kat and Kids reader will win a Swiffer 360 Duster Starter Kit, a Swiffer WetJet Starter Kit, a Swiffer WetJet refill, a Swiffer Sweeper, a Swiffer Dry Refill and Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, an $83 total value! To enter to win, just leave a blog comment about the most creative mess your kids have ever made (or that you made as a kid)!

living room swiffer duster

If you’ve ever said no to your kids when they get one of those creative ideas that might end in a mess (and then felt guilty about it), having Swiffer products on hand is a must! My favourite is the Swiffer WetJet; it’s so quick and easy to grab and use to clean up little spills in the kitchen. Whether your child’s an aspiring cook, a future artist or a dedicated athlete that won’t let a little dirt or mud keep him from practice, you won’t mind saying yes to the mess when cleaning it up is so simple!

Swiffer Yes to the Mess giveaway

102 thoughts on “Let Kids Get Creative When You Say #YesToTheMess with Help From Swiffer #PGMom”

  1. There have been a number of times when I have spilled leftovers on the floor. I pick up a container in the fridge and the lid is not secured and boom, a mess is made all over the floor!

  2. We have lots of messes in our house ,the last disaster was on Sunday when i dropped the bottle of beets on the set table…oh what a mess laughing now but we ate a beet juice supper.

  3. My niece likes to color…on everything.Walls,tables,floors. Doesn’t matter if you give her paper or a coloring book, she heads for everything else. Turn your back for one second and she’s created a masterpiece on the wall.

  4. She was drawing pictures in the vast pile of baby powder she’d dumped on the floor…it was artistic but disastrous.

  5. I was making a soda using my soda stream last week and dropped the flavor packet. It burst and went everywhere. talk about a sticky mess?!

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