Discovering handy new household items is so much fun for me. From kitchen tools to bedroom accessories, it always amazes me how an innovative little device can make life so much more convenient. So, when I saw the unique items available from 1 by One, I wanted to know more immediately. I was lucky enough to receive the 1 by One Bedside Touch Sensor Table Lamp and the SimpleTaste Non-Slip Kitchen Knife Sharpener to review and I couldn’t wait to test them out.
The Touch Sensor lamp wasn’t something I’d especially needed since our bedroom has a lamp on either side of the bed. But once I had this handy cordless lamp in the house, I was impressed by just how much I used it. First, since it was touch-activated, it was much quicker to turn on than the larger plug-in lamps. Secondly, its cordless design meant that I could move it from room to room or even take it on the road! And finally, the clever colour-changing feature let me use the lamp to add a bit of mood to a room instead of just light!
Personally, I liked the basic white light setting best. Turning on the light is as simple as touching the top, and multiple touches produce different brightness levels for different situations. To activate the coloured lighting, I simply pressed and held the top of the light until the colour changed. The lamp then cycled slowly through five different colours, making it perfect for party fun! And when the battery ran out, the lamp charged quickly and easily with a USB cord.
Next I tested the SimpleTaste knife sharpener. I was pretty excited about receiving this, since many of the knives in our set were almost too dull to use. I had high hopes that the sharpener, which featured three different sharpening slots for various blades, would help bring our knives back to their original factory sharpness.
To use the sharpener, I simply placed the back of the knife in the correct slot (coarse, fine or ceramic) and pulled the knife through to the end. Overall, I found the knife sharpener worked well for maintaining a knife’s sharpness. The knives I had that were only slightly dull showed a definite improvement in their cutting after using the sharpener. The dullest knives, however, didn’t show much improvement. I would recommend this easy-to-use sharpener as a maintenance tool to ensure that your favourite knives don’t lose their edge, but a truly dull blade may need professional sharpening.
I enjoyed both the products I received from 1 by One and I can’t wait to check out some of the company’s other household goods and fun décor items. With Christmas fast approaching, I especially love the Christmas Outdoor Laser Lights the company offers! Check out the company’s full selection of products on its website or on and see if there’s one that could make your life a little easier. These innovative items are a great addition to any household!
I would love to have the lamp; it seems so cool!