How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?

Many people only think about visiting their dentists when they have a dental emergency. It may seem practical, but avoiding regular dental checkups can leave you with more teeth and mouth issues than you might think.


Most studies suggest adults should visit their dentist at least twice a year. On the other hand, children should see their dentists at least once a year.

However, those timelines are not absolute. The sounder and more realistic advice is this: your overall dental and physical health will dictate how frequently you should visit your dentist.

Regular Cleaning and Check-Ups

For most people, a twice-yearly cleaning and once-yearly checkup is the best way to ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy.

While the cost of a checkup and cleaning can be a deterrent, it’s important to think of the appointment as maintenance for your mouth. Just like your car gets regular oil changes, your mouth needs some regular care as well!

There are some people, however, that may need to visit more frequently for exams and cleaning. According to the dentists at Hamilton dental office, here are a few of these exceptions:

dentist with tools

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women have fluctuating hormones that could make them more susceptible to cavities and gum disease.

Almost 75 percent of expecting mothers suffer from gingivitis. This condition is an early sign of periodontal disease caused by fluctuating hormones during pregnancy.

It can lead to gum infection, low birth weight, and preterm birth if left untreated for an extended period.

Cancer Patients

Cancer medications are notorious for making the mouth dry. When this happens, the patient is at a greater risk of developing severe oral health problems.

Additionally, radiation therapy and chemo stop or slow new cell growth. Essentially, treatment hampers the oral tissue’s ability to self-repair.

Apart from that, these procedures also upset the equilibrium of mouth bacteria, which can lead to tooth decay, infections, and mouth sores.

People With Diabetes

People who have diabetes are more prone to dental cavities. This is due to the elevated glucose levels in their saliva, where bacteria thrive.

Because of this, a person with diabetes is more likely to develop gum disease and cavities. Those with diabetes also tend to eat more frequent meals, increasing the cavity-causing bacteria in their mouths.


Smokers being prone to gum disease is not rocket science. Vaping and smoking can increase the likelihood of a person developing mouth cancer, losing teeth, having gum problems, and experiencing tooth decay.

Smokers are also more likely to suffer from post-oral surgery and tooth removal complications. Aside from quitting smoking, frequent dental visits are a must to ensure oral health.

Patients With Heart Conditions

While a patient with a heart condition won’t generally suffer from additional dental problems, untreated dental problems can affect the heart, as bacteria can move from the mouth into the bloodstream.

This can increase the likelihood that a person suffers from cardiovascular problems. Studies even reveal that tooth loss may be directly related to coronary artery disease.

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Visit Your Dentist Today

If you’re unsure how frequently you should visit your dentist, the best thing to do is to schedule a visit as soon as possible.

A good dentist will help you create an appropriate dental schedule, and address any issues you may have.

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don’t wait for potential problems to escalate before you look for a remedy.

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