When it comes to movies, I tend to favour action and adventure over drama and romance. I don’t get the chance to watch too many movies, but there are a few that I make time to see because I know I’m going to love them. As a huge fan of the 20th Century Fox X-Men franchise, The Wolverine was one of those must-see movies. And luckily for me, it’s now available on Blu-ray and DVD! Here’s a brief synopsis:
Hugh Jackman returns as The Wolverine and faces his ultimate nemesis in an action-packed life-or-death battle that takes him to modern-day Japan. Vulnerable for the first time and pushed to his limits, Logan confronts not only lethal Samurai steel, but also his inner struggle against his own immortality; an epic fight that will leave him forever changed.
Since X-Men debuted in 2000, Wolverine as played by Hugh Jackman was arguable its most popular character. And his popularity only grew as the franchise released future films. While the one other movie to feature Wolverine in a more stand-alone role, the prequel X-Men Origins: Wolverine, was a little weak compared to the other X-Men movies, it was still an entertaining film and made me curious about the direction this film would take.
Suffice to say, it wasn’t at all what I had expected. While the film opens in Wolverine’s past, it quickly jumps to the present and before I knew it, the action had moved to Japan. Seeing Wolverine’s healing ability taken away from him was unexpected and had me on pins and needles about how the movie might end. Between the loss of his powers and his obvious depression, I couldn’t help but wonder how the movie might end.
While this wasn’t my favourite movie in the X-Men franchise, it is definitely in the top three and is a movie that I’ll be watching again. With plenty of action, suspense and special effects, it’s a fun and entertaining movie experience for anyone that can’t get enough of Wolverine’s adventures. Grab a copy today and get ready for a fun-filled movie night.
I do like Hugh Jackman. Especially when he takes his shirt off, which he seems to do regularly :0. Oh and he’s a good actor, too…
Hugh Jackman is attractive and so obviously not from the United States they don’t make them like that here
I would absolutely love to see this movie!!!!
love Hugh Jackman
I have seen it and Tao Okamoto is super delicious.
I havent seen movie yet, but Hugh Jackman is yummy
I most definitely concur, Chandra! ;)
my boys love wolverine
My husband and son would love this movie.
I haven’t seen this one but my son would love this
I love this movie!