Welcoming Warm Weather with a #MyWhishParty Spring Celebration

A few months ago, I discovered the Canadian party supply store Whish, and any special occasion has become a whole lot easier ever since. I first had the opportunity to create an easy and elegant Valentine’s Day tablescape with the company’s Romantic Table for Two Ambiance Kit, and the stylish accessories and sleek disposable dinnerware made the process so easy. But Whish wanted me to see for myself how any occasion could become a special one with a little help from its extensive inventory of party supplies, so the company gave me the chance to throw my own party too, with any theme that I wanted!

whish party collage

Having just lived through an especially long and cold winter, the foremost thoughts in my mind were of sunshine, green grass and flowers. But even near the end of March, the snow just kept falling. So I decided to celebrate spring a different way instead…with a Welcome Spring party for my boys! Whish loved the idea and helped me put together decorations and accessories that would be sure to have my boys and their friends feeling warmer.

mywhishparty spring table

For decorations, streamers in rainbow colours, a pretty rainbow serving tray and a green grass tablecloth added a bright and colourful look to the table. I loved the Party Mount Removable Adhesive Tabs that let me quickly stick the streamers to the ceiling and walls but that I could also remove in just seconds without causing any damage. And the boys especially loved the tablecloth; it was so much fun to enjoy a little green grass even if there wasn’t any outside yet!

whish spring grass cupcakes

Since the party was a simple after school gathering with just a few of my boys’ friends, I kept the snacks fairly simple. Whish sent me a handy green grass piping tip so that I could create cupcakes topped with grass to match the décor. And the cute snack bowls were perfect for an oh-so-simple snack of “Worms and Dirt!” A simple treat comprised of chocolate pudding topped with chocolate cookie crumbs and gummy worms, it took just minutes to put together and was a huge hit with all the kids.

whish worms and dirt

Then it was time for a little fun and games! Whish had sent me a package of ten plastic bugs and while I had used them as part of the table décor while the boys were eating, I had other plans for the colourful critters as well! I hid the bugs outside and then sent the boys out to find them. They had such a great time that I ended up hiding the bugs three more times after that so that they could continue searching! And when the game ended, each child chose a pair of bugs to keep and take home.

whish spring party hunting for bugs

I also set up a simple relay race for the boys with pylons and batons from Whish. After a winter of extreme cold that had people indoors for days at a time, every kid had plenty of energy to burn. And a little running around was the perfect way to do that! As an added bonus, the kids each got a baton to keep as well…though some had more fun using them as makeshift swords!

boys with whish pylons and batons

With help from Whish, throwing an impromptu party was almost no trouble at all, and it left both my boys and me energized and looking forward to warmer weather. If you have a special occasion coming up or if you just want to throw a little celebration for no reason at all, Whish makes it easy with a huge assortment of party decorations, tableware, games and treats. Take a look at the site for some inspiration and start planning your next party!

mommy kat and kids rp2

41 thoughts on “Welcoming Warm Weather with a #MyWhishParty Spring Celebration”

  1. Looks like such a fun time , love all the work you do to make the kids feel special !! :) awesome , thanks for sharing

  2. What a great way to welcome spring, and so colorful and fun! I love it all, and great idea hiding the bugs around the yard! I like Whish’s products, they make any party so creative and festive1

  3. How cute of a party, how nice when spring comes so does the bugs, and your bug treasure hunt was a cute idea and I love the worms in the dirt pudding idea is fun, we don’t have a Whisk here but I like the ideas you shared.

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