Get Health Essentials and Great Advice from Target Pharmacy

I used to love shopping but now, with two boys coming along when I head to the store, shopping is no longer the relaxing experience it once was. As a result, I’ve become a big fan of stores that let me multitask when I shop. And with so many Target Canada stores featuring a Target Pharmacy, getting prescriptions filled and buying health and wellness items while doing my other shopping has never been easier!

I received a gift card so that I could go and do a little shopping myself and stock up on summer health essentials at Target Pharmacy. There wasn’t too much that my boys and I needed at the moment, but summer does tend to result in its fair share of scrapes and bruises, so I wanted to make sure I bought some new bandages for the boys. I also wanted to get some allergy medication, as nothing spoils a fun summer day faster than an allergy attack!

target up & up allergy medication

Since I’m always interested in saving money, I decided to check out Target’s up & up in-house line of pharmacy products. I noticed that Target offered a variety of different allergy medications that were all at least two dollars cheaper than the commercial brands and I appreciated that the company realized some people find a certain antihistamine more effective and offered products with those formulations.

But what I loved even more was that Target up & up creates products that are wanted as well as needed. It’s hard for me to ignore by boys’ pleas and buy a regular box of generic bandages when there are so many fun, colourful brand-name options featuring licenced characters or fun patterns. So when I saw that Target up & up had a line of boys and girls bandages featuring fun, kid-friendly designs, I grabbed a box right away. Not only are the bandages more appealing to my boys, they were almost half the price of the brand-name variety!

target up & up bandages

After grabbing my pharmacy essentials, I was then able to pick up a few new items of summer clothing for my boys and a new video game just for fun. With only one stop, my shopping was done for the day and I had everything I needed! Best of all, I can also get tips and advice about my health concerns as well as information about treating basic minor injuries from my Target pharmacist when needed!

Whether you need to stock up your house with basic first aid and over-the-counter items, you have a prescription that needs to be filled quickly or you’re looking for health and wellness advice for your family, Target Pharmacy is here to help. Stop by your local Target Canada store and enjoy peace-of-mind heading into the summer thanks to Target Pharmacy!

mommy kat and kids RP

24 thoughts on “Get Health Essentials and Great Advice from Target Pharmacy”

  1. I have got to check out this pharmacy it sounds really good I hate walmart’s pharmacy it is like being in a nightmare!

  2. Love the Up&Up products at Target! If Target were closer to home, I would definitely use their pharmacy!

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