Shopping for Essentials and Treats at Pharmasave #shop

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser.

I have to admit that over the last few years, I’ve become a big fan of shopping at pharmacies. When I was a child, the only reason we ever went to a pharmacy was to buy over-the-counter medicine or fill a prescription. That’s sure not the case anymore! Whether I want a unique gift idea, some home essentials or trendy new makeup shades, most pharmacies have what I need.

shopping at pharmasave

But I’d never shopped at Pharmasave before and I was curious to see what the chain was like. Luckily, I was given the chance to do just that when #CollectiveBias asked me to head to my local Pharmasave and shop for a few products. The store was doing some reorganization, but even so I was very impressed by the selection.

pharmasave store exterior

I spent a bit of time just browsing the store and noticed right away that there was a lot of variety. From the colourful greeting card display against one wall when we first entered to a fun aisle of toys and gifts to an assortment of bath and beauty products, the selection was great and the prices were incredibly reasonable.

pharmasave allergy relief

The one thing I had specifically wanted to purchase was allergy medication. I suffer from seasonal allergies that result in occasional days of itchy eyes, a stuffy nose and sneezing. While it doesn’t happen too often, I like to always have allergy medication on hand for those times when the symptoms are at their worst. I was excited to see that Pharmasave had its own store brand of over-the-counter medication and so my first purchase was a package of Pharmasave Extra-Strength Allergy Relief. With the same medicinal ingredients as my favourite commercial brand, I knew it would be effective. And best of all, it was even on sale!

pharmasave confectionary aisle

But since I had my boys along, I decided they needed a little something too. Of course, they headed right for the candy! I browsed the cosmetics aisle while the boys made their choice and I was especially impressed with the great range of COVERGIRL cosmetics the store offered. After a lot of deliberation, Zackary and Benjamin each picked out a sweet treat and we were ready to pay and head for home!

pharmasave feminie hygeine aisle

My experience shopping at Pharmasave was as easy and pleasant as I could have hoped, and I was impressed by how many great sales and deals the store offered. The Pharmasave-brand products were already reasonably priced and I loved being able to take advantage of additional sale savings on top of that. I also noticed tons of deals on my favourite name brands such as Olay, Tide and Sensodyne.

Whether you’re picking up medication, new makeup or a gift for a loved one, Pharmasave has so many great deals to choose from. And with almost 270 locations across Canada, it’s a convenient shopping option for almost anyone! Check out your local store and experience the great selection and low prices for yourself.

56 thoughts on “Shopping for Essentials and Treats at Pharmasave #shop”

  1. They do seem to have pretty good prices! I’ve never been to a PharmaSave, I’ll have to find out where the nearest one is to me!

  2. I’ve always liked to shop at pharmacies because they have make-up, nail polish, and stuff for your hair. lol I’m glad they had a generic form of the medicine you needed for your allergies. I hope it helped! Thank-you for the information & review!

  3. I never heard of a Pharmasave, otherwise I would check it out. It sounds like a CVS – I love shopping & getting my RXs there.

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