A few years ago I invested in a programmable thermostat and I noticed a difference in our energy bill right away. But I must admit that I don’t use it quite as much as I should.
I love that the heat automatically turns down at night to help save money, but I often forget to turn it down when I’m leaving the house for a few days and sometimes I turn it up on an especially chilly day and then forget to take off the hold on the temperature so that it can continue as normal. Realizing I’ve been wasting money for no reason like that always makes me a little annoyed.
Luckily, technology is evolving so quickly that there are solutions even for someone as forgetful as me, and the Sensi WiFi Thermostat from Emerson is the perfect example of that!
This Smart Thermostat can be remotely controlled from a smartphone, tablet or PC for maximum flexibility. I recently received the Sensi Wi-Fi Thermostat to review and I couldn’t wait to see how increased connectivity would increase the savings on my energy bill!
The app comes with a five-year limited warranty and tons of benefits for any family, including savings of up to 30% on the heating bill. It all starts with the Sensi app, which is available for both iPhone and Android devices.
The app is not just the control hub for the thermostat; it also contains step-by-step installation instructions. I created a new account, made sure I had the Sensi Security Code card and my Wi-Fi password ready and got busy installing the thermostat!
The installation process was surprisingly simple. Removing the wires from the old thermostat and properly connecting them to the new thermostat was the trickiest part, but the step-by-step instructions on the app made it much easier. And once it was installed, I just connected it to my Wi-Fi and I was able to enjoy all the benefits of a smart thermostat!
The nice thing about the Sensi is that I can still create a program that adjusts the heat according to my basic routine. But when that routine changes, I can change the heat in the house simply by opening the Sensi app and adjusting the temperature.
That means forgetting to turn down the heat when I’m leaving the house is no longer a concern. Now, I can simply turn it down from wherever I am and enjoy the savings! Even better, I can also turn the heat up an hour or so before I get home for instant comfort! Since I’m heading to Mexico next month and Saskatchewan will be in the dead of winter when I get back, this is a feature that I absolutely love!
I loved seeing the difference that a programmable thermostat made to my energy bill, and I love seeing how Sensi has taken a good thing and made it even better with this smart thermostat! For any homeowner that wants to minimize their energy bill and maximize control of the heating system, this thermostat is a must! Find yours at select retailers across North America or buy it online and enjoy the flexibility and savings of Sensi!
I would save about $70
30% per month would end up to be about $240!! That is a lot!! Awesome sauce!
we’d look at about a $40 per month savings!
I would save about 60 a month!!!
i would save 30$
I would save about $75 a month. Yes please!!
i would save 60$
I’d save a few dollars as I could turn the heat off completely at my convenience.
I would save $30 a month
i would save about $120 a month with a Sensi Wi-Fi Thermostat.