Encourage Summer Reading with a Kobo eReader and 5 Great Tips

Summer is definitely a time of fun, sun and plenty of outdoor activities. I tend to relax the rules a bit and give my boys more freedom during summer vacation, which means later bedtimes, a little more screen time and more treats than usual.

But, I still want to ensure that they’re working their minds during the summer months…and I know reading books is a great way to do that. Luckily, Kobo has five great tips to help encourage kids to read more in the summer!

kobo glo hd

1. Let Them Choose

Part of the fun for kids is being able to pick what they’re going to read. Get them excited about new stories by allowing them to explore different authors and genres.

2. Establish a Routine

Carve out a set time every day to take a break with a book. Kids will come to anticipate this special activity and will look forward to your time together.

3. Set Goals and Rewards

Motivate kids with treats for reaching reading milestones. Whether it’s purchasing the next installment in a beloved series or going to a live book event, they’ll be that much more excited to keep going.

4. Recap the Story

Once you finish a book together, talk about it! Revisit the major events, pictures and themes, and engage your child further by drawing parallels between the story and their life.

5. Lead By Example

Your kids are more likely to become passionate about reading if they see you doing it regularly. If you always have something to read on you, they’ll realize it’s a great way to pass the time.

Top Children’s Books

  1. Circus Mirandus, Cassie Beasley
  2. Sidekicked, John David Anderson
  3. Magyk, Angie Sage
  4. Only Ever Yours, Louise O’Neill
  5. Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children, Ransom Riggs

Recently I received the new Kobo Glo HD and some Kobo gift cards so that I could test out the newest Kobo eReader for myself.

As a big fan of the company, I already own a Kobo Glo and my oldest son has a Kobo Mini. I decided it was time to bring my significant other into the Kobo family and so I surprised him with the device to see how he would like it.

Like myself, one of his favourite features was the ComfortLight option on the eReader so that he could read comfortably in dim light or in bed at night without needing an overhead light.

The textured back was also a hit, since it added extra grip and made holding the device easier. And with an anti-glare screen and HD clarity, reading even in the brightest light is just as easy as reading a paper book.

kobo glo hd summer reading prize pack

Whether you use your Kobo to read chapter books out loud to your children or let older kids have their own device for their favourite novels, it’s so much easier to encourage kids to read more with a Kobo eReader in the house!

Check out the new Kobo Glo HD and take your favourite books on all your summer adventures with ease!

mommy kat and kids RP

246 thoughts on “Encourage Summer Reading with a Kobo eReader and 5 Great Tips”

  1. Elizabeth Matthiesen

    Hmm, I think that was the Bobbsey Twins, a series of children’s novels. Loved them and they sure made being at boarding school sound like fun :-)

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