Try These 3 Tips for an Amazing Autumn Family Camping Trip

Even though camping is one of the most popular family vacation choices in the summer, people tend to forget that camping excursions don’t have to end as soon as September rolls around!

If you’re looking for a fun family activity for a fall weekend, a trip to a nearby campground is a blast for the entire family. Just remember these three tips for the best autumn camping experience possible!

fall leaves

Get the Right Tent

Weather in September and October can be much more unpredictable than in the summer months, and sudden rainstorms are common.

Make sure to choose a tent that can stand up to the weather, such as the Woods Yukon Tent. With its RAINGUARDâ„¢ water-resistant 3,000 mm coated rainfly, walls and floor, this tent provides superior weather protection designed to repel water more effectively so that an unexpected autumn storm won’t rain on your parade.

And since it’s sized for six adults, it’s roomy enough for the whole family.

Bring Extra Bedding

One of the most important things to remember about camping in the fall is that while the days may still be hot and sunny, the nights are going to be cold.

A high-quality sleeping bag and/or extra blankets are a must. A crisp fall day is still pleasant, but an icy autumn night isn’t nearly as enjoyable.

With a sleeping bag rated for colder temperatures and extra blankets just in case, your family will be toasty warm all night and ready for fun the next morning!

Plan Your Activities

Some of the top recreational activities while camping are ones that are better suited to summer. September and October are no time to be taking the kids out for a swim!

Plan a few outdoor activities better suited to the colder temperature so that your family still has plenty of fun. A fall nature hike is a great way to learn about local plants while seeing some beautiful scenery.

And don’t forget to take advantage of the earlier nightfall with a little stargazing or a game of flashlight tag!

woods canada camping gear

It may seem at first that camping in the colder autumn months is something best left to hardy outdoorsmen rather than ordinary families, but once you’ve tried a fall family camping trip, you’ll see just how much fun the experience can be.

With a little planning and the right Woods Canada equipment, kids and adults will both have a blast enjoying nature in a whole new way!

mommy kat and kids RP

35 thoughts on “Try These 3 Tips for an Amazing Autumn Family Camping Trip”

  1. Elizabeth Matthiesen

    You certainly make a fall camping trip sound like a lot of fun. I’m not too sure I’d survive, I feel the cold a lot more now that I’m older so I think I’d best leave this to younger folk :-)

  2. My hubby learned his lesson in regards to having a large enough tent when he took our four kids and one dog camping recently…in a four-person tent with “plenty of room”. Ha ha.

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