You Can Earn Free Groceries When You #EatMoreStars with #GuidingStarsCA #PCStars

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is its own reward when it comes to good health, and over the last few months my family has had the chance to do just that thanks to the PC Guiding Stars Program. The new initiative makes it easy to find healthy food with a simple rating system that awards one to three stars to healthy food based on expert dietitian advice about the foods’ nutritional content. I love how easy the program makes healthy eating, and my boys love looking for food that has the most stars!

guiding stars success graph

When I became a part of the program, I started logging in to check my progress using my free PC Plus account. And it wasn’t until I did that I realized I’d been missing out on potential points that I could use towards free groceries. Each week, I have the option of loading my exclusive offers onto my card to get great bonus points on my purchases. The offers are tailored to me so that the more I shop, the more points I can earn. One week I earned over 2000 points just buying cheese!

guiding stars special offer

Having mastered the importance of loading my exclusive offers onto my card before shopping, I’m especially excited about the newest PC Guiding Stars promotion. For three weeks, I can earn even more points towards free groceries just by buying the star-rated food that my family already enjoys! Until September 17, 2015, PC Points members can load a special weekly offer for big point savings. Even better, when you load the weekly offer you’ll also earn 10 points for each one-star rated product, 30 points for each two-star product and 60 points for each three-star product purchased!

Because this is a Guiding Stars reward, PC Points users do need to load the special offer separately each week when they head out shopping. Simply log into your Guiding Stars profile at, choose your favourite Loblaws store and load the Guiding Stars offer to earn points towards free groceries on your healthy purchases. The offer can be loaded each week until September 17 to maximize your points. And by loading your regular offers as well, you’ll be on your way to a free grocery shopping spree in no time!

guiding stars login

I love the fact that the PC Guiding Stars program is rewarding healthy eating with this bonus offer, and since my family is already at Level 5, the top level, based on our food choices, I have a feeling we’ll be earning quite a few points over the next few weeks when we do our shopping! If you’re not a PC Plus member yet, join the free program today to see how Guiding Stars can help you eat healthier AND earn points towards free groceries! When it comes to making good food choices, all you have to do is look to the stars!

mommy kat and kids rp2

7 thoughts on “You Can Earn Free Groceries When You #EatMoreStars with #GuidingStarsCA #PCStars”

  1. This is a great way to manage and monitor spending plus get rewarded for it. How many of us just assume our groceries are all healthy? The Guiding Stars help save me time and are great in-store reminders of what is good for me and what isn’t

  2. I just love the Guiding Stars program, and with bonus PC points, there is even more reason to make better and healthier food choices!
    The kids just love hunting for stars when we shop now! Yay #GuidingStarsCA
    Thanks for sharing ;o)

  3. I love this new feature of the PC pints program! I’ve used both new offers for produce and cereal these last two weeks. I hope they keep these weekly offers going as it’s an easy way to rack up points!

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