Ever since I started filing my taxes, I’ve been the do-it-yourself type. Each year I’d pick up my tax booklet at the post office, work through the forms and mail in my completed return. Initially that job was pretty easy. With a single T4 and not many deductions to claim, filing really couldn’t have been easier. Then I had children, bought a house and started my own business. Suddenly my taxes got a lot more complicated and took a lot longer. But I still did the work myself and up until last year, I still used the old-fashioned paper and pen.
When filing my 2014 taxes, I upgraded to online software for the first time. I loved the ease of use, but the price tag wasn’t so great. Because I was self-employed and had investment income, the software cost $50 for a single return! Since I had to pay quite a bit in income tax already, every extra dollar I lost filing hurt a bit. And with my return for 2015 being even more complicated as I’m paying GST for the first time, I wanted to find the most effective filing method possible this year…at the best price.
Top that all off with the many changes to tax deductions for the year, including higher Universal Child Care Benefit amounts, the loss of the child non-refundable tax credit and the newly refundable children’s fitness credit and I’m left with a lot of income, expenses and deductions to claim! But this year, H&R Block is challenging me to use its online tax software and see just how easy filing my income tax return can be.
The one feature of this software that immediately appealed to me is that it’s completely free to use, not just for basic returns, but for everyone! Are you a student? The software is free! Self-employed like I am? Free! From retirees to union employees to those with investment income, preparing and filing your taxes online with H&R Block won’t cost you an extra cent. And the software offers a 100% accuracy guarantee as well, so there’s no need to worry about an error costing you money.
Of course, there are some people that prefer the speed and convenience of having somebody else prepare their return. And if you’re one of those people, heading to one of H&R Block’s 1200 offices across Canada may be the best choice for you. To help make tax preparation more affordable than ever, H&R Block even has a special promotion this year that you won’t want to miss! If you paid somebody else to prepare your taxes last year, bring the receipt to an H&R Block office and the company will prepare this year’s taxes for 50% less!
Personally, I love preparing my taxes myself, though it can be frustrating, complicated and exhausting at times! That’s why I can’t wait to see how the H&R Block Online Tax Software makes filing my taxes quicker and easier. And the fact that I’ll be able to do so absolutely free has me smiling already! I’ll have a review of my filing experience in the next week or so but in the meantime, why not check out the H&R Block website and see what the software has to offer? It may just help make tax season fun for a change!
Love how easy H&R Block makes it to file online. Pretty fool proof and so quick! :)
We have been doing ours with H&R Block for years now!
Ahhhh tax season! =( great!!
Thanks for the reminder.
I do my own taxes, the hubby’s, the son’s and friends -lol- I always use the online filing and online forms. I think next year my son will have to get someone else to do his taxes though as they are getting more and more complicated. I can do a straight forward return. I know my limit and stay within it.
I actually like doing taxes -lol-
I’ve been using another program for the last few years with good results, finding it glitchy this year and of course, I did pay for it. Will check this out next year!
I have used H&R Block for my taxes before. I would use them again! I hate doing my taxes.
Love H&R Block I always have them do my taxes.
My husband and I get our taxes done at Tax2000
My husband does the taxes every year for us.I am a lucky lady!
I hate tax time!! So glad my husband looks after this all :)