This post was brought to you by Hellmann’s® and JONES Voice.
When it comes to the food I feed my family, I’m passionate about fresh, real and wholesome ingredients. Jeremy and I both love cooking and we know that no matter what type of new dish we’re trying, using products made with high-quality ingredients makes good food even better. That’s why Hellmann’s Real mayonnaise is a must in our house. And living in Saskatchewan means that we know quite a bit about the work that goes into putting good food onto the table.
But not everyone has that same insider knowledge about the food we eat each day, and that’s why Hellmann’s created the Real Food Movement®! Designed to help families learn more about how the food we eat goes from the farm to the table, this campaign encourages everyone to think about the work that goes into the food we love.
The Hellmann’s Real Food Movement hosted a Facebook Live event on a Blue Ribbon canola farm right here in my home province of Saskatchewan. Getting the chance to see a field of canola flowers and experience how the plants are harvested is something I take for granted, yet so many families never get the chance to see the origin of the foods they use in the kitchen each day. The simple act of watching a farmer collecting eggs from his chickens or seeing a swather drive through a field of grain gives us a connection to our food that’s largely missing in our busy lives. But with help from Hellmann’s Real Food Movement, learning about food is something that becomes fun!
Looking for a way to help your kids learn about how seeds become plants? Try a fun and easy Sprout Head Person craft! Just cut out the feet from an old pair of stockings and fill the head with grass seed and sphagnum moss. Tie in a tennis ball shape to create a head and pinch the front of the head to create a nose. Use an elastic band to secure the nose, then decorate the face with googly eyes, pipe cleaners and markers for the rest of the features. Decorate a plastic cup to look like a body, fill the cup with water and put the sprout head in top with the stocking dangling in the water. Place in a sunny window and water every day until hair starts to grow!
Hellmann’s has created a great video about the Real Food Movement and if you’ve never had the chance to visit a farm or grow a garden, it’s a must-watch for an inside look on how the food you love reaches your table. Check it out with your family and see what your kids think about the hard work and dedication that go into what’s on their plate!
I’m a huge supporter of the Real Food Movement because it helps create an appreciation for food while also letting people feel more connected to what they’re eating. Join in on the Hellmann’s Real Food movement by starting a conversation with your kids about their own favourite foods. Simple activities like planting an herb garden, shopping at a Farmer’s Market or growing a seed head like the one we made are fun and easy ways to help young kids better understand how their food reaches the table. That knowledge and appreciation is something that will last a lifetime!
Check out more about Hellmann’s and “Where does your food come from” by visiting Hellmann’s on Facebook.
Being able to pick food off a tree has helped our kids appreciate it so much more.
I think it is a good idea to show kids where real food comes from, not just in package form from the grocery store