Although it isn’t necessarily springtime, the term “spring cleaning” has become a sort of catch-all for when you’re ready to redo, remodel or renovate your home all at once before the upcoming season.
A dedicated bout of cleaning and remodeling can really lift your family’s collective spirit, as well as give you opportunities to create a more freeing sense of space in the house.
As someone that’s notorious for avoiding cleaning when I can, I’ve got some tips (from long experience) that’ll help you achieve that refreshing feeling of cleanliness and openness without tons of effort!
The Bathroom’s A Great Place To Start
Not only can a thorough bathroom cleaning give the place a new sheen, but you can add new elements while swapping out old ones at minimal cost.
This can include the addition or replacement of shower doors, upgrading the bathroom faucet and installing energy-efficient windows.
On the maintenance side, it’s always a good idea to get a check-up on your plumbing. Consider having a licensed and bonded plumber take a look at your pipes once or twice per year to help ward off any issues later.
Additionally, make sure to have a phone number on hand for those plumbing emergencies that leave the household in disarray until they’re resolved.
As for deep-cleaning the surfaces, soak hand towels or thick paper towels in vinegar, then wrap them around the faucets and on top of grimy surfaces for about an hour. You’ll find the hard buildup has softened greatly, and can easily be wiped right off.
Aiming For A Spotless Kitchen
Much of kitchen cleaning involves doing it as you go – which means not waiting for that big day when you finally have the time and energy to clean all at once.
It helps to have a routine of washing the dishes either right before or right after you eat, rather than allowing them to pile up.
Wipe down kitchen countertops before spills have a chance to settle; for deep cleans, mix ammonia, vinegar and baking soda for a powerful, all-natural formula that’s tough on stains but easy on appliances and furniture.
Note that ammonia and vinegar should not be used on granite, so stick to plain baking soda if you have stone countertops. Perhaps surprisingly, toothpaste makes a great remover of especially tough stains!
The Living Room And The Bedrooms
In these spaces, you’re likely primarily worried about the carpeting – if you can get that clean, everything else is a relative cakewalk. Carpets can be notoriously difficult to return to their former glory – at least for the DIY-inclined person.
This is why professional carpet cleaning companies exist; they’ve got the powerful appliances that can reach down deep and extract years of dirt and stains from any floor covering.
Once that’s done, the rest of the cleaning amounts to arranging loose items and perhaps doing a bit of remodeling. Painting walls is one of the best ways to make a distinct change if you’re looking for something new.
New linens and sheets are a smaller change that let you signal a new season, and can also better coordinate with your freshly painted walls.
The rest of your efforts can vary far and wide when it comes to beautifying your home; the front and back yards, for example, await your touch.
So prioritize the areas that matter most to you and decide what jobs will yield the biggest results. By doing a bit of “spring cleaning” right now, you’ll be saving yourself time and effort when spring does finally arrive next year!
Nice and helpful tips that home owners can surely follow.
Excellent information for cleaning. thanks for sharing this.
Maintenance is one of the most important key to a cleaner and safer home…
Doing that ‘big’ clean in the kitchen can take soooo long that keeping it up is very important.