5 Tips for Recovering Your Romantic Energy After Having a Baby

Disclaimer: This blog post was sponsored by K-Y and YMC. Opinions expressed belong to Mommy Kat and Kids and are not influenced in any way.

When it comes to getting frisky, there hasn’t been much that can take the wind out of my sails. I’m a high-energy person and that carries over into every area of my life…including the bedroom!

But after the birth of my youngest son, I found my natural energy flagging for the first time in my life. Baby Cormac is an exceptionally high-energy individual himself; even before he could sit, stand or walk he would spend solid minutes just waving his arms and kicking his feet as hard as he could.

I felt as if my baby was draining my energy from me, and the last thing I wanted to do at the end of an exhausting day was get frisky with my husband. But I knew I needed to get my libido back. And luckily, I found some tricks that helped me do that!

It’s not always easy for an exhausted mom to get back into that pre-pregnancy groove of enjoying regular loving. And if you’re struggling at the same point in your life, these are the five tips that helped me!


Dress the Part

Nothing makes me feel less like getting sexy than trudging into the bedroom in sweat pants and an old shirt covered in baby spit-up. And after far too many nights in a row that ended with exactly that outfit, I realized that looking sexier was the first step in feeling a little sexier, too!

After having a baby, not all my previous favourite outfits fit as well as they once did, but it was amazing how much better I felt even just slipping into a satin nightgown and putting on a bit of makeup. Instantly, I felt like I’d gone from an exhausted mom to an attractive young vixen!

It really is amazing the way clothes can make a difference to overall mood, whether you’re putting on a dressy outfit before meeting with friends or dressing up in lingerie before bed. And it doesn’t have to require a whole new wardrobe; even one pretty new outfit can make the difference.

Sneak It In

It’s a well-known fact among every mother with a newborn…babies are demanding! After Cormac was born, my husband and I often went days feeling like we didn’t have an hour to ourselves, and that was with him at home on parental leave to help!

That meant that getting intimate with each other sometimes meant getting creative about when we spent time together. A hurried half-hour spent together when the baby is napping and the older boys are at school isn’t the ideal romantic connection, but it’s better than no time together at all!

And it’s a fun change of pace to feel like we’re sneaking in some loving as well, though getting in the mood so quickly can sometimes be a challenge. Having K-Y Sensual Silk personal lubricant on hand helped for those times when my body wasn’t quite ready, but I wanted to make the most of a few minutes of free time. The silky feel helped ensure I enjoyed the time we did have and added a bit of extra excitement.

Don’t Neglect (Or Ignore) Your Body

It’s a frustrating truth that even a little extra baby weight after giving birth can sometimes leave a woman feeling sluggish and drained. And if you’re one of those women, getting some daily exercise is a must! Even if it’s just a walk outside with the baby in a stroller, getting the blood pumping in your body isn’t just healthy…it gets the blood pumping in other areas, too!

But if exercise isn’t helping and you’re still feeling exhausted, don’t assume it’s just the strain of having a baby in the house! I spent months after giving birth so worn out that I fell asleep by 9 pm most nights. I dragged myself through each day like a zombie, convinced I was tired because I had to wake up to feed the baby every night. Imagine my surprise when I had some unrelated blood work done and learned I had hypothyroidism!

There can be many medical reasons for being low on energy after giving birth and if the usual healthy diet and daily exercise aren’t giving you any relief, it’s worth a visit to the doctor, just in case there’s an unknown factor dragging your energy down. It’s hard to get frisky when you can’t keep your eyes open!


Spice It Up

After giving birth to Cormac and moving into our new house, my life settled into a pretty predictable routine of caring for the baby, driving the older boys to school and organizing various extra-curricular activities. That routine carried over into the bedroom as well, and while there’s nothing wrong with a little routine, it meant that time with my husband was sometimes a little monotonous.

Adding something new is a surefire way to put a bit more spark into a relationship, and it doesn’t have to be anything drastic! Something as simple as a new outfit or a new position can make time together feel fresh and new. Personally, I loved adding K-Y Warming Jelly/Gel to our routine. Its slight warming sensation is fun for both of us and adds an extra special something to our regular activities.

It doesn’t matter if the changes you make to your routine are more wild or tame, change is always a good thing in the bedroom. It increases intimacy and helps keep the energy in a relationship; both of which also help increase desire for one another!

Take Matters Into Your Own Hands

There are some occasions when finding time alone with my husband simply wasn’t something I could manage. Whether it was because he was at work or because he was tired out when I wasn’t, there were times I was feeling frisky and he just wasn’t available.

But I’ve learned over the years that nothing seems to slow down a woman’s libido more than putting aside her own urges a few too many times in a row. It really is a situation of use it or lose it! So when the mood strikes and my husband isn’t available, I handle things myself.

If there’s a bit of a taboo when it comes to talking about sex, there’s even more of a taboo about self-pleasure. But it’s simply unrealistic to expect that a couple with children, no matter how in love they are, are always going to be available to one another when the mood strikes. And a little self-love is good both for relaxation and for making sure I’m ready to get busy the next time my husband is available!


If there’s one thing that K-Y understands, it’s the importance of self-love…in all its various forms! That’s why the company is hosting an amazing giveaway that you won’t want to miss. Visit the official contest website to enter to win one of four $1000 spa gift cards to help you enjoy a little pampering. Whether you decide to spoil yourself if you win or bring your partner along too, you’re sure to be in the mood for love after a little spa indulgence!

It took some time after Cormac was born to get back to the previous intimacy my husband and I had. And of course, our relationship still isn’t exactly the same; it’s grown and changed as a result of us working together to raise our little bundle of joy.

But overall, I’ve managed to get back the sexual energy I had before my baby was born, and that’s helped make my relationship even stronger. Making sure my husband and I keep our intimacy makes us better parents, since that intimacy helps us work together as a team in day-to-day life. It just takes a little effort and a few goodies like K-Y personal lubricant to make sure I’m always in the mood for some fun with my man!

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