If life were easy, marriage would be easy too. But when we’re busy with work, caring for kids, or even just exhausted by day-to-day routines, keeping romance alive can be tough!
It goes without saying that any relationship is going to have a few arguments. That’s just part of interacting as different people. But with a little effort, you can ensure you keep the romance strong in your relationship as well.
Looking for easy ways to keep the love alive in your relationship? Consider these 13 easy ways to keep romance alive in every season!
1. Surprise Your Partner
It’s the little things that count; you’ve heard it. Now, it’s time to put this knowledge into practice.
You don’t have to do much – leave a romantic note in your partner’s pocket, surprise them with a sweet voicemail, or even send a small present to their office. Flowers and breakfast in bed are also great options.
2. Make Them Feel Appreciated
In the midst of the daily routine, offering words of love, appreciation, and affirmation is sure to remind your significant other how much you care.
And don’t forget the nonverbal messages you can send: a smile, a kiss, a wink, etc. Try to incorporate some of those little actions to let your partner know you appreciate your relationship.
3. Make Time for Each Other
Most people already know that to keep the passion alive, spending time together is a must. But actually making time for that togetherness can be a challenge!
After marriage, it’s common for the need to be together to dissipate. You might have become comfortable to the point of being complacent, or simply be tired out working and caring for children.
The easiest way to add that bonding time back to your routine is simply to schedule it. Aim for once a week, and make sure you’re spending the time alone…even if you don’t leave the house! Making each other a priority is a must for keeping a relationship strong.
4. Go On Dates
If you stopped going out, it’s time to start again…and take turns planning date nights! One partner shouldn’t be given the job of doing all the organization.
Planning dates will let you think about what your partner might really enjoy, and vice versa, which can be a great way to show appreciation to them.
5. Talk About the Perfect Vacation
Discuss your perfect getaway. Look online or read brochures and talk about what the ideal holiday would be for you as a couple.
Whether you dream of taking a luxurious cruise or touring the streets of Dublin, Ireland, the planning process will inspire and bring you closer together – it doesn’t matter whether you actually end up going or not.
6. Try Something New in Bed
Routine kills romance, and sex routines are not an exception to the rule. If you feel like you’re in a rut in the bedroom, consider a new position, a new location, or a new adult toy.
There are some fun options for beginners, as well as for those who have some experience with uncut realistic adult toys like the ones here.
Doing new and fun things like these together will bring you some great novel sensations. Innovation in bed is one of the things that releases the most oxytocin, a hormone that reduces anxiety and stress and is connected to “warm and fuzzy” feelings in most people.
7. Don’t Criticize
Avoid criticizing your partner, whether in private or in public. In public especially, they’ll likely feel humiliated, and you don’t want that.
If you’re struggling with communication or with feeling unheard, seeing a therapist is preferable to complaining to friends or relatives. You’ll get better advice and avoid getting into the habit of criticizing the person you love to others.
8. Take a Course Together
Taking a class with your partner is a great way to enjoy something new together. Learning a new skill as a team will help you to bond, and you may gain a new appreciation for your significant other’s talents.
Look into some popular hobbies for couples, decide which ones you’re both interested in, and then look online to see if there’s a beginner class near you that the two of you can take together.
The best thing about taking a course together is that you can try anything that you both find appealing. Consider cooking, a pottery class, a fitness class, or even CPR.
9. Take Time to Communicate
Therapists recommend spending 15 minutes a day just talking. By talking, they don’t mean complaining or arguing, but actual communication: how their day was, are they ok, how they feel, etc.
This might surprise you, but there are hundreds of things about a person you don’t know, even someone you’re very close with. Talk to them about passions, dreams, things they love. Even if you’ve discussed these things before, goals and dreams often change over the years.
If you want to talk outside your home, go somewhere peaceful…not a concert or the movies. It’s hard to reconnect against the backdrop of loud music, screaming children, or other unpleasant noise.
10. Revisit the Beginning
Think back to what your relationship was like at the beginning. Try to recall the similar interests, ideals, and goals that brought you together.
Studies have shown that a sense of purpose is a powerful predictor of a relationship’s success. In other words, having the same goals leads to higher relationship satisfaction.
Think about the current goals you both have, and talk through them. You might find they have changed since the beginning. You might have grown as a couple – or moved along new paths.
Either way, discussing your original connection and your future plans will help give you some great perspective on your relationship.
11. Agree on Chore Distribution
Chores are the last thing that comes to mind when you think about ways to keep romance alive, but their distribution is a key element of every relationship.
Even the most dedicated cleaner appreciates their partner helping out. Try to shoulder chore responsibility equally. Don’t focus on who has done more chores. Instead, try to do more than your partner when you can; it may happen that they will try to outdo you too.
12. Don’t Hold a Grudge
A grudge will kill romance like nothing else. If your partner has done something major that you’re honestly not able to forgive, then the relationship may not be salvageable.
But if you’ve committed to moving past an incident, be it minor or major, make sure that you’ve truly forgiven your partner and don’t bring up the past again.
13. Intimacy is not Negotiable
Finally, touch and insist on being touched. This is a must in any relationship.
Little things like holding hands on a walk, kissing your partner when they get home, or cuddling on the couch can do more than almost anything else to keep your connection to one another strong.
When it comes to keeping your romance alive, a little effort can make a big difference.
Whether you try one or two of these tips, or every single one, your partner is sure to appreciate the effort. And that will make for happier, more romantic days for both of you!