Tips On Teaching Emotional Regulation to Kids

Helping children learn how to regulate their emotions is a crucial aspect of their development.

Emotions are a natural and essential part of human life, but it’s important to teach children how to navigate and manage them effectively.

boy relaxing in leaves

This skill not only leads to healthier relationships and improved mental well-being, but also sets the foundation for success in various aspects of life in the future.

If your child is struggling to find healthy ways to express their feelings, try these tips on teaching emotional regulation to kids:

Understanding Emotional Regulation

Before diving into strategies for teaching emotional regulation to kids, it’s essential to understand what the term means.

Emotional regulation is the ability to manage and express one’s emotions appropriately in various situations.

It involves recognizing, understanding, and reacting to emotions, to achieve desired outcomes and maintain emotional well-being.

Modeling Emotion Regulation

Children learn by observing the behavior of adults and caregivers. That’s why one of the most effective ways to teach emotional regulation is by modeling it.

Show your child how you handle your emotions in various situations. Demonstrate techniques like deep breathing, taking a break when upset, and using “I” statements to express feelings.

By witnessing these behaviors, children are more likely to adopt them in their own lives.

Develop Emotional Vocabulary

Children often struggle with emotional regulation because they lack the vocabulary to express their feelings.

Encourage them to express their emotions, and teach them the words that correspond to those feelings. By naming their emotions, children can better understand and manage them.

Consider using picture books, storytelling, and games to help them identify and discuss various emotions.

Teach Emotional Regulation Techniques

Teaching children specific techniques for emotional regulation is essential. Try these strategies to help them manage their emotions:

Deep Breathing

Teach children deep breathing exercises to calm themselves when they feel upset or overwhelmed. Encourage them to take slow, deep breaths and count to four as they inhale and exhale.

Nature Therapy

According to, nature-based therapy can be an especially effective choice for children and adolescents. Combining nature with therapy techniques, it teaches children how to let go of distractions and get in touch with their emotions.


Introduce simple mindfulness exercises to help children stay in the present moment and observe their emotions without judgment. These practices can help them become more aware of their feelings, and better control their reactions.

Relaxation Techniques

Teach children relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery to reduce stress and anxiety.


When children become overly emotional or agitated, it’s okay to suggest a time-out. Encourage them to take a short break to regain their composure, and let them return to the situation when they feel calmer.

Encourage Emotional Expression

Open communication is essential in helping kids resolve conflicts and process emotions.

It’s crucial to let children express their emotions in a healthy way. Encourage them to talk, draw, or write about their feelings.

Creative outlets can be a great tool in helping them process and manage their emotions effectively.

Use Active Listening

Active listening is a fundamental skill in teaching emotional regulation.

When children feel heard and understood, they are more likely to express their feelings openly.

Create a safe and non-judgmental space for your child to talk about their emotions. Reflect back what they say to ensure they feel heard and validated.

For example, you can say, “I can see that you’re feeling angry because your friend took your toy.”

Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Good physical health is a key component of good mental health, especially for growing children.

Ensure your kids are eating nutritious food and getting enough sleep each day. Simply being nourished and well-rested can help kids better handle unpleasant emotions.

Limit screen time as much as possible, as it’s been shown to impair emotional comprehension and increase depression and anxiety in children.

Make sure to also encourage regular physical activity. It’s a great way to release pent-up emotions and reduce stress.

Practice Empathy

Empathy is a powerful tool for teaching emotional regulation to kids. Ask your child to consider how others might feel in different situations.

Encourage them to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and think about that person’s emotions.

This can help children develop empathy and emotional intelligence, which are crucial for regulating their own emotions and having healthy relationships.

Encourage Positive Self-Talk

Children often have inner dialogues that influence their emotions and behavior, especially when they reach adolescence.

Teach them to recognize negative self-talk and replace it with positive and affirming statements.

Positive self-talk can boost self-esteem, improve overall mood, and help kids manage emotions more effectively.

Create a Consistent Routine

In general, children tend to benefit from a consistent, predictable routine. Consistency provides kids with a sense of safety and security.

Establishing a regular daily routine can help reduce potential anxiety and stress, making it easier for little ones to manage their emotions.

When major changes in your family’s routine are unavoidable, take the time to talk through those changes with your child beforehand.

That way, they’ll be able to talk through any concerns with you, and process emotions about the change in a healthy way.

Set Realistic Expectations

Children may struggle with emotional regulation, and that’s okay. It’s important for parents and caregivers to set realistic expectations and be patient.

Remember that children are still learning and growing, and they will make mistakes along the way.

Instead of punishing your child for emotional outbursts, use them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Seek Professional Help When Needed

In some cases, children may struggle with emotional regulation to the point where professional help is necessary.

If emotional challenges are persistent, severe, or interfering with a child’s daily life, consider consulting a child psychologist or counselor.

Ongoing issues could indicate a more serious problem, and a professional can help identify any underlying causes of your child’s behavior.

child feeling thoughtful

Teaching emotional regulation to kids is a a crucial part of their development that will give them valuable life skills.

Encourage everyone in your family to talk about their feelings, and express their fears and frustrations in healthy ways.

With your help, your children will become emotionally resilient, empathetic, and capable of handling life’s challenges with grace and maturity.

Remember, the journey to emotional regulation is a process, and patience and support are key to your child’s success.

1 thought on “Tips On Teaching Emotional Regulation to Kids”

  1. Teaching emotional regulation to children is crucial for their social and emotional development. Start by modeling healthy emotional expression and offering a safe space for them to share feelings. Use age-appropriate language to help them identify and label emotions. Teach coping strategies like deep breathing, counting to ten, or taking a break. Encourage problem-solving and perspective-taking to manage challenging situations. Create consistent routines and boundaries to provide a sense of security. Validate their emotions and teach empathy towards others. Be patient and reinforce these skills through practice, emphasizing that it’s okay to feel and express emotions, but it’s also important to manage them constructively.

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